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Rothur Tech招聘Java Full Stack Developer

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Java Full Stack Developer

Rothur Tech is an IT Consulting Company (ICC), specializing in Software Development, Web Development,and Business Intelligence; we are looking for candidates with a strong background in Software Engineering or Computer Science for a Java/Software Developer position.

Basic Qualifications:

  • Fluent in English
  • 0 - 1 year of practical experience in Java coding
  • Basic programming skills using object-oriented programming (OOP) languages with in-depth knowledge of common APIs and data structures like Collections, Maps, lists, Sets etc.
  • Knowledge of Frontend Skills

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science (CS)
  • Experience in other programming languages like JavaScript,  HTML, CSS, Python, C++
  • Experience using Spring boot, React or Angular frameworks,
  • Knowledge of relational databases (e.g. SQL Server, Oracle) basic SQL query language skills
  • Knowledge with other contemporary Java technologies (e.g. Weblogic, RabbitMQ, Tomcat, etc.)
  • Knowledge of JDBC, Hibernate, Kafka, AWS


  • Annual base salary 65k - 75k
  • Rothur Tech is an e-verified company, and we provide OPT/H1b/ Green card sponsorship to all qualified international candidates.
  • Paid Holiday
  • Health and Life Insurance
  • etc.

近期开班:07/15/2024 Java Full Stack Position

目前都是小班模式, 保证上项目, 招满截止。

如果有其他ICC 培训经历/ 上项目经历, 可以直接和Trainer约面试, 通过后可以跳过我们的培训, 直接marketing。 目前我们的客户有Apple, CVS, Walmart, Wells Fargo, BOA 等一线大厂。




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