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SQL是那个dating app里report profile的题, 很简单。半小时问完了, 面试官现场又编了两个问题凑够40分钟。
1. all_profiles
creation_date STRING '2017-12-01'
profile_id BIGINT unique identifier of the message.
2. reported_profiles .
date STRING '2017-12-01'
profile_id BIGINT unique identifier of profile_id reported
reporter_id BIGINT userid of the user who reported the profile reported_policy STRING Policy that reporter_id reported
final_policy STRING Final Policy decision after report reviewed. Can be “None” if committee decides it is suitable
date| profile_id | reporter_id | reported_policy| final_policy
2020-03-01 | 1000| 1 | Fake picture | Fake picture
2020-03-01 | 1000| 1 | Impersonation | Impersonation
2020-03-01 | 1003| 2 | Sexually Inappropriate | Sexually Inappropriate 2020-03-01 | 1005| 3 | Fake picture | None
Q1: How often is the user-reported violation type consistent with the final violation type decision made by the committee after review?
Q2: Out of all final policy decisions, which policy has the highest number of violating messages?
Q3: Out of all profiles with a final decision as violating a policy after review by the committee,
on average, how long does it take for a user to first report this pro您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 使用VIP即刻解锁阅读权限或查看其他获取积分的方式 游客,您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 VIP即刻解锁阅读权限 或 查看其他获取积分的方式 it theorem 的基本概念。半小时就问完了。
1)一个类似newsfeed的产品,Yaxis是num of user Xaxis是num of comment, 这个distribution长什么样(画图),然后分别标出mean, median, 和95th percentile在哪里。
2) 如果把一个app的用户分成10个小组,每个小组有10k用户,这样做200次,那小组的average最终的distribution长什么样(应该是normal distribution). . check 1point3acres for more.
3)上面这个distribution的宽度(就是deviation其实)受什么的影响(应该是每个小组的size, size越小,宽度越大)。
明天还剩个Behavior,然而我已经没有动力准备了。。。。 |