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25 Databricks oa | Software Engineering Intern

匿名用户-D3ZBT  2024-8-14 02:00:54
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2025(7-9月) 码农类General 硕士 实习@databricks - 网上海投 - 在线笔试  | 😐 Neutral 😐 AverageOther | 应届毕业生


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4题,难度总体来说中等,最后一题有几个test case没过。分享求米,谢谢!1. 很简单,略
2,3,4地里都有出现过, 这里再复制黏贴一下

2. given a list of unix commands (cp, ls, mv, $1, $4), return a list of how many times each are called (note $4 ⇒ $1 ⇒ cp)
3. Imagine a board of size numRows × numColumns with some lasers placed on it. These lasers are placed at coordinates specified in the two-dimensional array laserCoordinates, where laserCoordinates[i] is a two-element array containing coordinates for the center of the ith laser. Lasers with a center in a cell (row, column) destroy everything in the same row (i.e. rows with index row) and the same column (i.e. columns with index column).
Now imagine there is a robot at coordinates (curRow, curColumn). The robot can only move in a straight line, either left, right, up, or down within this board. Your task is to count the‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‌ maximum number of cells that the robot can safely move through (in any direction) before being destroyed by lasers.
Note: You can assume that the initial cell is protected, and lasers cannot destroy the robot there even if they cover this cell in their destruction area.
Note: You are not expected to provide the most optimal solution, but a solution with time complexity not worse than O(numRows · numColumns · laserCoordinates.length) will fit wi
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find the number of lamps lamps[i] which include this point within its covered segment - when points[j] lies inside the segment [lamps[i][0], lamps[i][1]].
As a result, return an array of integers, where ith integer corresponds to the answer for the ith control point.
For lamps = [[1, 7], [5, 11], [7, 9]] and points = [7, 1, 5, 10, 9, 15], the output should be solution(lamps, points) = [3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0].


参与人数 3大米 +27 收起 理由
清道神君 + 25 欢迎分享你知道的情况,会给更多大米奖励!
小亩_229492d + 1 给你点个赞!
Kaku770 + 1 很有用的信息!


下一篇:Walmart Karat电面
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