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我们课题组长期招收博士研究生,2025年秋季将招收数名博士生,主要研究方向聚焦于 AI, Mobile/Embedded Systems, 和Digital Healthcare的结合,我们经费来源主要是NSF和NIH,经费充足, 2025年具体招生领域包括:
1)Process-in-Memory/AI Acceleration/Sustainable Computing
2) On-Device AI/Embodied AI
• IEEE Transactions on Computers
• ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
• ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems
• ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
• IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
• Sensors
• Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design
导师也是 ACM SIGDA 执行委员会成员及教育主席。
• 导师获得DAC Under-40 Innovator Award。
• 发表论文曾获得5次Best Paper提名及3次Best Paper Award,包括IEEE TCAD Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award。
• 学生获得 ACM TODAES Rookie Author of the Year (RAY) Award.
• 带领团队在多个竞赛中斩获一等奖或其他奖项。
• 已培养多名优秀博士生,其中4位在美国大学任助理教授,2位回中国高校任职(华东师范,山东大学),1位获得“海外优青”回国发展。也有毕业生加入工业界,如Facebook、Qualcomm、Amazon, AMD等,从事AI相关工作。
欢迎对相关方向感兴趣并具备相关研究背景的同学申请,请将以下材料发送至导师邮箱 jthu [at] pitt [dot] edu:
• 个人简历
• 成绩单
• 项目经历或研究成果
Multiple Ph.D. positions with full financial support are now available for Fall 2025 in Dr. Jingtong Hu’s group, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Dr. Hu’s research interests include embedded system, on-device AI, smart health, and internet of things. For more information about possible research projects, please visit www。pitt。edu/~jthu
The University of Pittsburgh is known for its world-class School of Medicine and top-level School of Engineering. Pitt is ranked 43th globally by USNews, 47th globally by CWUR, and 70th globally by ARWU.
The Computer Engineering program is currently ranked 43rd in U.S. by U.S. News 2018.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has classified the school as a Research University with highest research activity.
The city of Pittsburgh has been constantly evaluated as the safest and most livable city among all the U.S. big cities, and hence hosts a large number of Hi-Tech companies including Google, Uber, Apple, Facebook, IBM, etc. The city, as a result, provides abundant internship and job opportunities for students, along with the big city’s convenience and large collections of cultural activities.
Applicants should have a Bachelor or Master (preferred) degree (or expect to receive the degree before enrollment at Pitt) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Automation, Applied Mathematics or related disciplines. Applicants with strong hands-on experiences in mobile/embedded systems are particularly welcome to apply.
To apply, please email resume in PDF (including the scores of *all* undergraduate/graduate level courses, class/department rank, English test scores (GRE/TOEFL), relevant research experience and publications) to Dr. Jingtong Hu (jthu [at] pitt [dot] edu) with subject "PhD Applicant 2024". |