Most Influential Chinese Community in North America
Study Abroad
Job Seeking
Life Overseas
Our influential Chinese community is made up of millions of people engaging with today’s most relevant discussions and high-quality content on overseas studies, job hunting, career development, immigration, real estate, financial investment, dating, and inspiring lifestyles. Work with us to reach a large Chinese audience in North America and China!
Special forum postings, recruitment advertisements, headhunting agents to help companies recruit talented individuals.
Set up a special section in order to undertake and promote business.
Promote your property based on the user's location, allowing more people to see it.
Other business cooperation in bbs/mobile app/wechat
1Point3Acres is widely acknowledged as one of the most active online communities for Chinese living in North America. Our community provides a nourishing platform that encourages active discussions among community members and stimulates high-quality content on overseas studies, job hunting, career development, immigration, dating and life in America, Canada and many other countries.
OfferDuoDuo provides interactive analytical tools to help students pursue education opportunities around the world. OfferDuoDuo helps you find useful insights from the large amount of college and graduate school admission data that we have collected over the past decade and even generates customized plans for you to apply for admissions into top universities in the U.S., Canada, UK., Singapore, Japan, Australia etc.
Data driven tools for pursuing a new career or next vertical move. Real interview questions, salary negotiation tips, and useful job hunting advice from millions of active community members.
1Point3Acres Visa Pal is a platform for visa information, including visa application, interview, and result.
Level comparisons and salary data with detailed breakdowns for many companies in the U.S. and China.
1Point3Acres Match is a dating platform for Chinese in North America.
High quality software engineering, data science, and career advancement courses.
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