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蕉厂的 Focus-and-Pivot(PIP) timeline,及最新的focus guidance

匿名用户-VWJC3  2024-8-5 12:27:18
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公司名称: amazon
具体哪个组: NA
被pip原因: NA


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本帖最后由 匿名 于 2024-8-5 12:49 编辑
(求米)本人非 People Manager,以下内容均是道听途说 doge
. Χ
+1: your line manager
+2: your skip manager

Focus Entry:
Focus Entry是 +1 发起,需要HR和+2的批准,一般持续1-2个月。Focus期间,一般需要 +1 提供一个coaching plan,并和员工进行regular(weekly) 1-1 and performance check.
  • 有些说法是进入focus前需要有regular 1-1,并且至少2次written negative feedback, 这不是强制的;他们只需要提供一份 written doc就可以
  • Focus是不需要告知员工的,但员工可以直接问,我是否在focus里/我是否可以自由转组,理论上+1不能撒谎
  • Focus期间转组,需要接收组的VP approve
  • +1 理论上需要给你做 coaching plan;但他们可以不做
  • +1 理论上需要和你进行 regular 1-1;但他们可以不做
  • +1理论上需要和你进行 regular performance check;但他们可以不做
  • Focus可以随时终止,也就是说+1 有权利在Focus期间的任意时间把你放到pivot里;只需要HR和+2的支持
  • Focus也可以extend,可以做很久;6个月到1年的都有
  • Focus可以pause,需要+1或者HR操作
  • Focus是可以撤回的,需要更高level的老板审批
  • Focus即使success了,也会一直留在你的员工档案里
  • Focus期间离职,是有rehire冷冻期的;但实际上很难被rehire,因为HR能看到你的focus记录. ----

一般Focus的信号是,+1突然给你发邮件说你有performance gap,或者明确告知你转组需要特殊审批。
Focus结束会有(+1,+2,HR)review结果,Focus失败会进入Pivot。. Waral dи,
. 1point 3 acres
Pivot Entry:
Pivot Entry 也是+1发起,需要HR和+2的批准,需要准备一个Improve Plan,一般持续1-2个月。Pivot会给你5个工作日进行选择,一般的休假是不能推迟pivot decision ddl了。Pivot有两个选择:
1. Leave Amazon. 拿T1 severance pkg 直接离开公司;grace period在0-14天期间,需要和HR,+1商量
2. Improve at Amazon. 做Improve plan,如果失败的话有两个选择:. ----
  2.1 拿着 T2 severance pkg 离开
  2.2 可以选择appeal,appeal一般需要一周。appeal也有两个选择:
      - appeal 失败,拿着T3 severance pkg 离开公司
      - appeal 成功,60天内转组,或者选择拿 T1 severance pkg离开公司
. 1point3acres.com

  • Pivot 需要开会正式告知员工,通常会议里有(你,+1,HR)
  • 理论上,+1也可以提前终止Improve Plan,但通常HR不会支持(免责:通常 != 绝对)
  • 理论上,+1需要和你进行 regular 1-1,但他们可以不做
  • Appeal一般需要一周去组织appeal panel, 失败后也有0-14天grace period
  • Pivot 即使成功了,也会一直留在员工档案里
  • Pivot 期间离职,也有rehire冷冻期,但实际上很难被rehire
  • FMLA可以在任意时间请,包括appeal阶段

severance 的大致金额:(不一定准)
T1 severance - At Pivot entry: ~12w base pay + X
T2 severance - After unsuccessful Improve Plan: ~4w base pay + X
T3 severance - After unsuccessful appeal: ~2w base pay + X


参与人数 32大米 +84 收起 理由
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匿名用户-VWJC3  2024-8-5 12:30:40
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二楼附上 Focus Guidance:

If you have observed a pattern of underperformance, you should enter the employee in Focus and commit to provide structured feedback, coaching, and support to help them improve. Below outlines some guidance and useful links for you to use. There is a lot of information, but I wanted to provide a full picture of the process. I’m happy to discuss any questions you have about the below guidance and how it relates to your employee’s performance.. 1point3acres
Please note: HRP is experiencing an increase in performance management requests following talent reviews. If your Focus entry requires HR approval, HRP will review the entry within 5 business days as noted in the Focus tool FAQs. During this time, you should continue coaching and providing documented feedback to your employee. While the Focus entry will not be active until approved, we will backdate it if there are delays due to HRP review
What is Focus? Focus is a product for managing employees who are not meeting performance expectations for their role and level. Focus gives managers guidance on how to coach employees and allows managers to set timeframes for seeing improvement. Once an employee is entered into Focus, they require approval from the hiring manager’s S-team direct report for transfer. If they voluntarily resign while in Focus, they will be welcome to apply and will be reviewed as per all candidates but their performance standing at departure from Amazon will be part of that review.
To determine if Focus is the right next step, work through the Performance Management Wayfinder in Ivy and review the WWAS Performance Management Manager Toolkit .
After going through the way finder and determining Focus is the right next step, you should follow these 3 steps:
Step 1: Making a first Focus Entry
You will be asked to provide a reason for entry, LPs that their underperformance relates to and a date to determine next steps. This date should be 30 days out. Your entry should include:
• Description of performance issues
• Specific examples (use the SBI framework)
• Documentation of coaching you’ve done
• Employee’s response to feedback
• Specific actions that will be taken to address issues
First Focus Entry Example.
*Keep in mind Focus entries have been updated now to include 3 questions. See example responses below;
1) How is X employee not meeting the performance expectations of their role and level (L5)? Please provide at least one example; John is not meeting the SDE II bar in two areas, 1) ‘Writing maintainable code with low defects’ and 2) ‘Actively participating in design discussions and team planning’. I have been coaching John for 4 weeks on these topics during bi-weekly 1:1s with him but have not seen improvement to his performance. For example, most recently, during X project, his designs prioritized quick completion over long term stability, this impacted X project by X.
2) What feedback have you already delivered to X employee? How did you deliver the feedback and how did they respond? On DATE I met with John to give him feedback that the project did not meet my expectations, recapped in an email sent on X. He acknowledged the gaps and committed to ensuring future code was stable. During a review on DATE, there were noticeable defects in his code which then delayed the roll out of X. On DATE, I highlighted these gaps in an email and he again committed to improving however in our most recent review defects rates has not improved. I have paired John up with a more experienced SDE II to review John’s work and provide input on how the projects can be improved to have better stability.
3) What does X employee need to do to improve? What behaviors, actions, or results would demonstrate that they are now meeting expectations? To meet the bar for his level and role and to close these gaps he needs to 1) test all changes he makes and write appropriate unit and integration tests of the work 2) consider stability and long-term cost of ownership in his software design and 3) come prepared to all design discussions with insightful questions he has, to help aid his ability to display active participation. I will meet with him weekly to track his performance against these gaps.
Your HR Partner will review the Focus entry, and then approve, reject, or send the entry for rework. Once the HRP approves the entry, the employee will be active in Focus.. 1point3acres.com
Step 2: Discuss under performance with your employee within 7 days of approval
You should not tell your team member they are in Focus. Instead, follow this suggested structure:
• Restate expectations, discuss the performance issue, and provide supporting examples.
• Communicate additional approvals for internal transfers..--
• Share that if they resign during this coaching time period, they will be welcome to reapply and will be reviewed as per all candidates but their performance standing at departure from Amazon will be part of that review.
• Provide feedback on how they can improve.
• Allow them to voice their concerns.
.1point3acres• Set expectations for a follow up cadence and send the employee an email summarizing your conversation. You can view examples here.
• While you should not tell the employee they are in Focus, because it's less about the performance management tool and more about the underperformance itself, if an employee explicitly asks if they are in Focus you should be honest and transparent.
• The have a direct conversation about underperformance article in Ivy has resources to help prepare you for this conversation.
Step 3: Provide on-going coaching and next steps
• You will meet with your team member regularly (1x/week), continuing to coach and give feedback.
• After each meeting you will update Focus to determine if performance is improving, unchanged, or declining, along with a progress update.
• Ensure you are updating the tool after each weekly meeting to create a documentation record that your HR Partner will be able to review with you once you reach the Next Steps date and are ready to make a decision.
• I recommend sending the employee an e-mail summarizing the 1:1 discussion and outlining how they are progressing, the e-mail examples I linked above are a good resource for structuring such an e-mail.
• If your employee gives notice at any time during the Focus process, please connect with your HRP before submitting the termination in People Portal.. Waral dи,
On the next steps date you will evaluate all the aggregated feedback and trend of performance to see if the employee is meeting the bar or if they are below the bar. At that time, you will connect with your manager, and align on one of these three options:
. check 1point3acres for more.• Remove from Focus: if they are meeting the bar and you believe they have sustainable improvements to maintain the bar (please note: while HRP will not track specific approvals, your manager and leadership will need to review and align with your assessment prior to submitting your request). ----
• Extend time in Focus: if you and your employee come across extenuating circumstances.
• Move to Pivot: if you do not see sustainable improvement that meets and maintains the bar.
Employee health is a priority. If your team member has voiced anything concerning or made you aware of a medical reason that may be impacting their performance please reach out to your HR POC immediately.


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匿名用户-A00YV  2024-8-7 00:04:06 来自APP
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匿名用户-48DMB  2024-8-5 13:36:39
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weihaoren 2024-8-5 13:42:41 来自APP | 显示全部楼层
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我记得pivot entry sev应该是10w base pay吧

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匿名用户-VWJC3  2024-8-5 13:44:36
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weihaoren 发表于 2024-8-5 13:42.1point3acres
我记得pivot entry sev应该是10w base pay吧


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匿名用户-EKKPA  2024-8-5 13:46:48 来自APP
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匿名用户 发表于 2024-08-04 22:44:36
这个12+X 的X 是工作年数?

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匿名用户-VWJC3  2024-8-5 13:50:11
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匿名用户 发表于 2024-8-5 13:46
这个12+X 的X 是工作年数?


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cxiao1 2024-8-5 14:01:40 来自APP | 显示全部楼层
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grandcanal 2024-8-5 14:04:45 | 显示全部楼层
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