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本帖最后由 Chasedream.df 于 2022-4-21 20:27 编辑
本人背景,毕业后工作5年,去了startup和大厂,看到去年地里好多人跳槽拿到大包,平常工作也不忙, 就想多尝试一些面试,目标是senior engineer。comp总体50万以上
准备材料和过程:算法:leetcode高频题200道左右,每天做2-5道。对一些难度较大的就直接放弃,如果面试某家公司,一周前会把面经题找出来,尽量写一遍。 系统设计方面主要是通过看eng 博客,订阅课程,也有不少是youtube的频道,大概每天都看半小时到一小时。大家也不能忽略bq,也要经常练习。最短时间把最精华的部分展现出来。
总体感受:senior以上面试难度还是比较大的,比我想象的要难搞定,比如snap 三轮都是manager来面我,有一轮面的广告架构非常难回答,还有一些本来是不看好的公司却很难 blend,面了一轮如何设计k8s,大数据去中心化方式如何同步,分布式锁如何实现。还有些公司需要现场debug,比如stripe,quora,在当时压力下很难做出了。最后也要保持乐观心态,如果没有做出来或者不会的,就刚好是自己查漏补缺的时候。或许以后面试中再次出现。
大家也看出来,本人通过率并不是很高, 大概1/6才能有个offer,我也很多失败的经历,但如何提升命中率。给大家分享经验
1. coding,每个类型做10-20题,可以用一个notion或者github来做笔记,把常见模版脸熟,bfs,dfs,heap ,语言如何可以选的话,尽量用python,节约时间
2. 交流,不能上来就说最优解,或者写代码,至少要得到面试官的认可,思路是什么,复杂度先说出来
3. 写完可以先dry run,用例子来验证,然后写test case,比如常见的空,非法输入,0, 负数等
4. 如果deploy到线上,如何改进,比如多加log,defensive coding,注释,cache等
1. 时间足够的话,可以买一本alex xu的系统设计书来看,或者youtube上面的system design多看一些,但一定要总结规律,比如常见的news feed push/pop选择,nosql的优势,message queue是什么用,分布式CAP理论,在线订票系统如何保持一致性。我会把资料发到后面。
2. 在面试中,可以根据这个模版顺序来回答
我遇到好多公司,在senior面试中,会考一轮deep dive,就算不是,bq轮也会谈你最骄傲的一个项目,
How do you deal with conflicts
* Key points: Do not take it personal. Discuss the difference. Figure the best solutions for team/company.
* Steps
* Talk with the other person
* Ask the other person to name a time when it would be convenient to meet.
* Arrange to meet in a place where you won't be interrupted.
* Focus on behavior and events, not on personalities.
* Say “When this happens …” instead of “When you do …”
* Describe a specific instance or event instead of generalizing.
* Listen carefully
* Listen to what the other person is saying instead of getting ready to react.
* Avoid interrupting the other person.
* After the other person finishes speaking, rephrase what was said to make sure you understand it.
* Ask questions to clarify your understanding.
* Identify points of agreement and disagreement.
* Summarize the areas of agreement and disagreement.
* Ask the other person if he or she agrees with your assessment.
* Modify your assessment until both of you agree on the areas of conflict.
* Prioritize the areas of conflict.
* Discuss which areas of conflict are most important to each of you to resolve.
* Develop a plan to work on each conflict.
* Start with the most important conflict.
* Focus on the future.
* Set up future meeting times to continue your discussions.
* Follow through on your plan.
* Stick with the discussions until you’ve worked through each area of conflict.
* Maintain a collaborative, “let’s-work-out-a-solution” attitude.
* Build on your success.
* Look for opportunities to point out progress.
* Compliment the other person’s insights and achievements.
* Congratulate each other when you make progress, even if it’s just a small step. Your hard work will pay off when scheduled discussions eventually give way to ongoing, friendly communication.
有一些公司喜欢考察culture fit,比如airbnb,有一封信 what make airbnb,airbnb可以读读,对他们的企业文化要多去了解才能对症下药。
1. bq:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObFGBUF-TuQ
2. exponent:看别人如何面试的 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thkuu_FWFD833. mock interview:https://interviewing.io/
3. 系统设计: https://github.com/tzheng/SystemDesign
4. AWS Ads架构 您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 使用VIP即刻解锁阅读权限或查看其他获取积分的方式 游客,您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 VIP即刻解锁阅读权限 或 查看其他获取积分的方式
r blog and search for the microservices and high architecture they are trying to build.
7-https://github.com/donnemartin/s ... tions/system_design (The examples)
8- https://techtakshila.com/system-design-interview
9-https://www.amazon.com/System-De ... econd/dp/B08CMF2CQF
10-https://www.amazon.com/Designing ... nable/dp/1449373321
补充内容 (2022-05-02 03:02 +8:00):
https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-890880-1-1.html |