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7111个主题 | 98057个回复 | 最后更新: 3 小时前


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早上刚起床就看到这 但愿我没火星https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf883rNZjSE

刷题 4 5021 微信用户_160b273 3 小时前

本人硕士转码,虽然本科时有点相关基础但也仅止于东拼西凑的零散知识直到硕士后才比较有系统地学习所以前面边刷题时花了很长的时间在把相关知识补足现在有时候一题仍 ...

刷题 14 3524 kenpeter 5 小时前
FG 300 LeetCode 刷题模版


刷题 5 3531 mhaa8224 前天 09:34

背景介绍刷题和准备一些八股知识时候常常会忘记之前记住的,尝试过notion,但后来发现过于繁杂导致自己难以集中。后来用了Typora 和Bear一段时间,都有各种feature不太满 ...

刷题 7 3479 snower 6 天前
刷题 记忆力差 怎么办?

一道medium的题 当时能理解 但是 刷完 一两周必忘 每道题的那些小技巧也完全忘 就是记忆力差。。。平常也没时间狂练。。。请大家支支招😂

刷题 19 6631 萌萌的大脑洞 6 天前
LeetCode 黑五折扣 "THANKS2024"

看好像没人分享,LeetCode 现在有黑五折扣,折扣码 "THANKS2024",年会员减 30 刀,活动到 12/2。

刷题 2 2625 freeaccount 7 天前
刚刚发现leetcode 取消了session,请问大家现在如何刷题


刷题 5 2759 c130 2024-11-21 11:32

是我能力太差还是我需要重新学英语啊? 有什么办法提高吗?

刷题 9 2848 头发稍黄的菠萝 2024-11-19 18:55
分享一个可以像刷 LeetCode 一样练习面试八股的平台

除了算法编码题以外,面试里还有不少非编码类的题目。比如国内公司特别爱问各种计算机知识的八股文、高并发场景题等等。北美现在也越来越多的面试会涉及到这些类型的题目。 ...

刷题 23 9905 朴素的板栗 2024-11-18 11:57
segment tree比bit简单易懂更普适


刷题 3 482 salinghang17 2024-11-18 09:52
练基本功recursion (在Jupyter Notebook,python 3)写Boggle(:

!pip install pyspellcheckerfrom spellchecker import SpellChecker#create a spell checker instancespell = SpellChecker()#range over each possible combinatio ...

刷题 2 434 Muser 2024-11-17 10:02
design gurus课程质量

最开始在educative.io上看过他的Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions,感觉质量很高最近发现他把自己的新课都贴在Courses | Ace the System D ...

刷题 1 491 粗暴的马克杯 2024-11-16 23:20

在看Coupang面经, 大概是这样的:设计一个fullfil center,要求下订单一个小时之后在fullfil,然后可以处理cancel的各种情况。这题在网上没怎么搜到,是用job scheduler ...

刷题 2 908 JohnsonWill 2024-11-15 17:29
Your Path to Success in the Fortinet NSE7_SDW-7.2 Exam

The Fortinet NSE7_SDW-7.2 exam is tailored for professionals aiming to show their expertise in designing and implementing secure SD-WAN solutions using Fortine ...

刷题 0 365 wedlandshannon 2024-10-28 17:19
Excel in the LPI 202 450 Exam: Fresh Strategies and Techniques

The LPI 202 450 Exam is a certification test from the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). It assesses skills in Linux administration and system management. Thi ...

刷题 0 314 spike1209 2024-10-28 17:02
Strategies to Ace the IBM Cloud Advocate v2 C1000 142 Exam

The IBM Cloud Advocate v2 Exam tests your knowledge of IBM Cloud. It covers its services, architecture, and deployment. This exam covers key topics in cloud co ...

刷题 0 307 joze4321 2024-10-28 15:55
Unlocking High Availability Success in Google Cloud for Database Engineers Exam

The Google Cloud Database Engineer Exam tests your skills in Google Cloud databases. It covers management, implementation, and optimization. This exam requires ...

刷题 0 308 Johny123 2024-10-28 15:32
Ultimate Guide to Passing the Salesforce Certified UX Designer Exam

Preparing for the Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer exam is an important step for professionals looking to increase their skills in designing user ...

刷题 0 295 wedlandshannon 2024-10-25 17:51


刷题 1 658 一双泪眼的猴子 2024-10-22 08:40
免费模拟面试平台 Pramp 使用经验分享

最近在准备大厂面试,想找人练习英文 Coding 模拟面试。网路上有很多平台提供这类服务,有些收费还挺高,一次可能要两百美金左右。因为我还在试水温阶段,所以想先找个便 ...

刷题 0 380 haikyo 2024-10-19 00:53