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Two postdoctoral positions in artificial intelligence for health data science

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学校名称: Western University
专业: CS
入学年度: 2024
入学学期: Spring
导师个人主页: https://phulab.org/


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Lab website: https://phulab.org/
The Hu lab in the Department of Biochemistry and Department of Computer Science at Western University, Canada is recruiting two postdoctoral fellows in artificial intelligence for health data science/bioinformatics. Western University ranks within the top 10 research-intensive universities in Canada and top 114 in the world (QS World University Rankings 2024). Dr. Hu is a Canada Research Chair in Computational Approaches to Health Research and has excellent experience in mentoring trainees at different levels. Many of his trainees have received international and national awards, were accepted into top graduate schools (like Oxford, Cambridge, UCLA, CMU, Toronto, UBC, McGill), are employed in high-tech companies (like Google, Microsoft, Amazon), and landed tenure-track professor positions in Canada.

Please do not ask the possibility in the forum since I do not visit the forum here. If you are interested, please send your materials to phu49@uwo.ca.

The successful candidates are expected to join an interdisciplinary team to develop innovative deep learning algorithms to analyze multimodal data in one or two of the four areas: medical imaging analysis, genomic data integration, single cell RNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics, and drug design and discovery. The candidates will have the opportunities to supervise graduate and undergraduate students and contribute to the grant proposal preparation and writing process.
The potential candidates should have: (1) PhD degree in quantitative sciences (statistics, mathematics, machine learning, computer engineering, bioinformatics, etc); Proficient in using different deep learning architectures; (3) Demonstrate ability to develop and publish new deep learning algorithms and applications on top AI conferences and/or high-impact journals.
Individuals interested in this position should submit a cover letter clearly indicating their research interest and experience in one or multiple of the research areas, a curriculum vitae, and copies of 2 scientific papers. Applicants should include names and e-mail addresses of two potential referees and indicate the date they will be available to begin. All application materials must be submitted as PDFs in a single email to Dr. Pingzhao Hu (phu49@uwo.ca). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. We appreciate all who express interests in this position, only those candidates short listed for interview will be contacted.
The positions are initially for one year with the possibility to extend for an additional 2-3 years, subject to available funding and performance. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience.

上一篇:[教授本人]博士申请: 伦敦玛丽女王大学袁善欣老师课题组招收全奖博士生及合作者
下一篇:加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 (UCSC) CS PhD Openings


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