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The Social Sensing & Intelligence (SSI) Lab at the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at the University of Illinois (https://ischool.illinois.edu) has multiple openings for Ph.D. students to work under the guidance of Dr. Dong Wang (https://www.wangdong.org) from Fall 2025 (for Information Sciences and Informatics Ph.D. applicants).
Prospective students with an M.S. or B.S. degree (or expected by the time of admission) in Computer Science, Information Science, Data Science, Software Engineering, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on exciting research projects in emerging areas of Social Sensing & Intelligence. Example topics include:
- Human-centered AI and AI for Social Good.
- Trustworthy AI, XAI, and Generative AI.
- Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), Misinformation Detection and Explanation, Recommender Systems.
- Crowdsourcing and Crowdsensing, Human-AI Collective Intelligence.
- Federated Learning, Edge Computing, Internet of Things (IoT).
- Privacy, Robustness, and FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics).
Preferred candidates should have a strong background in AI/data analytics/machine learning/social computing/system and/or networking/statistics/estimation theory and/or solid system implementation and development skills. Preferred candidates are also expected to be self-motivated and have good communication skills. Previous research experience and/or publications in relevant fields will be a plus.
The Social Sensing & Intelligence Lab has state-of-the-art computing facilities to support research. Our works are published in top AI/machine learning and systems venues such as AAAI, IJCAI, Web Conference (WWW), ACL, SIGIR, EMNLP, INFOCOM, RecSys, CIKM, CSCW, HCOMP, ICWSM, CI, ICDCS, IWQoS, IPSN, IEEE TCSS, TBD, TETC, TIST, IoT Journal, Elsevier KBS, etc. The lab also has a very collaborative working environment and provides individualized mentorships and tailored career plans (including both academia and industry-oriented career paths, and industry/national lab internship opportunities) for students in the lab. Examples of recently graduated Ph.D. students from the lab can be found at: https://www.wangdong.org/sslab/team.html
The iSchool's flexible program prepares students with the intellectual guidance and experiences necessary for vibrant research careers in a wide range of academic, business, and public sector settings. The iSchool at UIUC has been the #1 ranked graduate program in Information Sciences since 1996.
If you are interested, please send your CV (including GPA, GRE, and TOEFL scores as applicable), transcripts, publications, and other relevant information to Dr. Wang at dwang24@illinois.edu with the title of “Prospective Ph.D. Student for 2025”. In your email, please clearly explain your research interest/expertise and justify how it aligns with the main topics and directions in SSI Lab. It will also be helpful to mention your career goal and working style/philosophy. Accepted students are guaranteed funding for five academic years to explore their dedicated areas of research.
The application deadline for Information Sciences Ph.D. (for early consideration for a Graduate College fellowship) is October 20, 2024, and the final application deadline is December 1, 2024. The application can be found at https://ischool.illinois.edu/degrees-programs/phd-information-sciences/apply.
The application deadline for Informatics Ph.D. is December 1, 2024. The application can be found at https://informatics.ischool.illinois.edu/phd-admission/.
伊利诺伊大学香槟分校信息科学学院Social Sensing & Intelligence 实验室招生信息
Social Sensing & Intelligence Lab是由Dong Wang教授领导的以社交感知及人工智能的交叉领域为研究重点的实验室,其主要研究方向包括: (1) Human-centered AI and AI for Social Good; (2) Trustworthy AI, XAI, and Generative AI; (3) Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), Misinformation Detection and Explanation, Recommender Systems; (4) Crowdsourcing and Crowdsensing, Human-AI Collective Intelligence; (5) Federated Learning, Edge Computing, Internet of Things (IoT); (6) Privacy, Robustness, and FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics)。实验室主要科研成果发表于AAAI, IJCAI, Web Conference (WWW), ACL, SIGIR, EMNLP, INFOCOM, RecSys, CIKM, CSCW, HCOMP, ICWSM, CI, ICDCS, IWQoS, IPSN, IEEE TCSS, TBD, TETC, TIST, IoT Journal, Elsevier KBS 等顶级学术会议及期刊。导师及实验室具体信息请见:https://www.wangdong.org/
1. 已经或即将取得学士或硕士学位,专业包括但不限于计算机科学、信息科学、数据科学,软件工程等专业;
2. 具有刻苦钻研,持之以恒的科研精神,积极创新的科研热情, 对科学探索有较高的好奇心和求知欲;
3. 熟练掌握至少一种常用编程语言,具备良好的编程习惯;
4. 良好的性格,较强的沟通能力和团队协作能力;
5. 具有一定科研经验,在人工智能、机器学习、计算机系统与网络、社会计算,数据挖掘等相关领域的学术会议或者期刊发表过论文为加分项;
感兴趣的同学请发送自我介绍及简历CV到邮箱 dwang24@illinois.edu,邮件标题写明“Prospective Ph.D. Student for 2025”。请在邮件中介绍个人研究兴趣及经历,并清晰阐述个人研究经历和Social Sensing & Intelligence Lab主要研究方向的匹配程度及原因。此外,可以在邮件中简单提及自己的工作风格和职业规划。