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想请问一下地里前辈们,上周二的VO面试,刚刚🐶家recruiter发来邮件让我填GMatch form还有Packet spreadsheet,但是并没有提及是否过了hc,也没有说是先过hc再team match或是先team match再hc,只说
“This is an internal stage and I can not share many more details, but I will keep you updated as soon as I have news. This is still an eliminatory phase, so your process is not over yet. I'm getting some internal approvals so we can move forward with your process.
我也知道是福不是祸是祸躲不过,问recruiter是最好的方法,但是还是心里焦虑不敢直接问。所以想请教地里的前辈,请问这个packet spreadsheet是用来发给hc的吗?internal approval是指hc的approval吗?recruiter的邮件里面有什么隐藏信息吗?.
回复加米. 1point 3 acres
补充内容 (2024-11-12 08:49 +08:00):
Update: 安排了两个team match call,但是其实在填gmatch和packet spreadsheet的时候并没有提到是否过hc,也没有说进入team match process,就是直接发了两个match call invitation。.--
发邮件问我的面试流程是1.hc+gmatch 2. gmatch+hc 3. 同时进行, 暂时没有回复
. Χ
补充内容 (2024-11-13 01:38 +08:00):
Update:recruiter回复我了,“。。。Thanks for sharing your concerns with me, but I guarantee that you don't need to worry about anything. You were approved in your interviews and that is the reason why I sent you the gmatch forms to fill. 。。。”
补充内容 (2024-11-13 01:47 +08:00):
Hi recruiter,
Thanks for your rapid response. From your email, may I assume that my interview feedback was positive, as long as I get matched to a team, an offer will be made and sent to SVP for final approval?
. .и
Hi candidate,
Yes, It was positive feedback and when you get matched to a team, an offer will be made for you. As soon as I have any news, I'll share, okay?
. 1point3acres.com