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新泽西理工-AI, ML以及应用-方向博士招生

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学校名称: njit
专业: DataScience/Analytics
入学年度: 2025
入学学期: Fall
导师个人主页: https://sites.google.com/view/boshen


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We have two fully funded Ph.D. positions at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) focusing on AI/ML for Science and Engineering. The start date can be the fall of 2025. The Ph.D. student will work with Bo Shen, a tenure-track Assistant Professor at NJIT.

  • A Bachelor's degree (required by the start date) in Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Math, Engineering (IE, EE, ME, Material Science, ChemE, etc.), or other related fields.
  • Necessary deep learning programming and mathematical foundation.
  • Good English writing and communication skills.
  • Strong motivation and interest in research.
  • Prior research experience will be a plus.

If you are interested in applying and working with me, please send the following documents:
  • Your latest CV (required)
  • Bachelor's transcript (required)
  • Master's transcript (if applicable)
  • English test score (required for international students)
  • Writing sample (if applicable)

to me at soon with the email subject as "Ph.D. Applicant for {Start Data} (Your Name)", for example, "Ph.D. Applicant for 2025 Fall (First Name, Last Name)". Reviewing and interviewing applications will begin as soon as possible and continue until both positions are filled.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email.

About the University and City
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is a public research university in Newark, New Jersey with a degree-granting satellite campus in Jersey City. NJIT is only 10 miles away (20 minutes drive) from New York City. One of only 35 polytechnic universities in the United States, NJIT is a top-tier research university that catalyzes economic growth and prepares students to become leaders in the technology-dependent economy of the 21st century. NJIT is one of only 131 universities rated an "R1" research university by the Carnegie Classification®, indicating the highest research activity level.
#1 in NJ, #28 Nationally America's Top Public Colleges - Forbes
#75 America's Top Colleges - Forbes
#42 Top Public Universities Nationally - U.S. News and World Report
Top 100 National University - U.S. News & World Report

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