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PhD and Postdoc positions (AI for Engineering Design) at NTU Singapore

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学校名称: ntu
专业: ME
入学年度: 2025
入学学期: Fall
导师个人主页: https://dr.ntu.edu.sg/cris/rp/rp02543


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Institute: Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Country: Singapore

PI: Dr. Song Binyang joined the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in October 2024 as an Assistant Professor in the Robotics & Design Cluster. She earned her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Automotive Engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. She completed her Ph.D. in Engineering Product Development at Singapore University of Technology and Design in 2019. Before joining us, Dr. Song Binyang gained postdoctoral experience at the Pennsylvania State University (2019-2021) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2021-2023), respectively. From August 2023 to August 2024, she served as an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech.

Her research focuses on applied artificial intelligence (AI) and human-AI collaboration for engineering design, with particular interests in "AI for Design" - using data-driven design techniques, multimodal learning, and generative modeling to create innovative designs across various representation formats (e.g., text, sketches, images, and 3D models), and "Design for AI" – which involves human factor design of AI to enhance AI's collaborative potential in design settings.
Positions: PhD Students, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and Visiting Students in

a) Applied Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) for engineering design, including data-driven design, multimodal learning, generative modeling, and large language models for generating and assessing innovative designs across various representation formats (e.g., text, sketches, images, and 3D models);

b) human-AI collaboration for engineering design, including human-AI interaction, human factor design of AI, human-AI hybrid teaming, development of trust-worthy AI.
Requirements: For research fellows, the salary will be internationally competitive. The PI will also support outstanding candidates in applying for the NTU Postdoctoral Fellowship. The required qualifications for the position are as follows:

  • A recent PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electric Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields from reputable universities;
  • Strong expertise in areas such as Engineering Design (e.g., Data-Driven Design, Generative Design, Design Theory and Methods), Human-AI Collaboration, Additive Manufacturing;
  • Proficiency in Applied ML / AI;
  • Strong publication record in top-tier engineering design, human-AI interaction, ML / AI conferences/journals;
  • Excellent proficiency in oral and written English.

For PhD students, full scholarship opportunities are available. The PI will support excellent applicants in applying for the Nanyang President's Graduate Scholarship. The required qualifications for the position are as follows:

  • A Bachelor's or Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electric Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields from reputable universities;
  • Strong interests and background in areas such as Engineering Design, Human-AI Collaboration, Applied ML / AI, Additive Manufacturing;
  • Basic knowledge of ML / AI is preferred;
  • Good programming skills with Python, Matlab, or other programming languages is preferred;
  • For applicants graduating from universities in non-English speaking countries, minimum GRE score of ≥ 319/3.5 where score for verbal (V) and quantitative (Q) equivalent to or more than 319 and analytical writing score is at least 3.5. Test dates must be within 5 years from the date of your application. Minimum either TOEFL score of ≥600 (paper-based) / ≥250 (computer-based) / ≥100 (internet-based) or IELTS score of 6.5. Test dates must be within 2 years from the date of your application.
  • More detailed requirements from NTU can be found here.

For the visiting students (in-person or virtual), the subsidy is possible depending on candidates' background, experience, and motivation.

If you are interested, please contact Prof. Song (binyang.song@ntu.edu.sg) directly with your CV and 1-2 representative publications.

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