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[找工就业] How to handle fishing interviews during experienced quant career?

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2024(10-12月)-DataScience/Analytics硕士+5-10年 | 猎头| 金工类全职@


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I spoke to a firm looking for a quant through headhunter.

The interviewer is quite indifferent and doesn't introduce anything regarding his firm/team.
Ask me lots of model fitting.
Care a lot about model fitting and number of features instead of quality of features.
Ask me some trivial domain knowledge and I feel interviewer doesn't know the answers.
Ask me lots of about how to find/verify alpha.
Ask me lots of about how to handle the discrepancy between backtest and production.

I feel the interviewer asks me many realistic questions that he doesn't know the answer. Furthermore, he tries to dig almost step by step details after giving him an abstract about how to do. I feel that I'm teaching him much domain knowledge.. 1point3acres
In comparison to speaking to many experienced guys, they can realize quickly as providing them a brief.
While asking him about firm performance, he answers quite ambiguously. From his answer, I feel its performance is even much worse than my firm/team..google  и
After few weeks, I got rejection unsurprisingly.

. Waral dи,
How to deal with this kind of firm?
Is there any sign we can detect early without providing too many details?
Probably provide some wrong directions?
Put it into blacklist?

上一篇:25NG选offer Microsoft, Meta, TT, (NV)
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