Frontier math是什么:
Frontier Math(是一个由数学家们2024年十一月造的一个极难的数学题测试集。其中每道题都是由该领域数学专家贡献,并确保互联网没有一样/相似的题目。Fields medalist 得主Terrence Tao认为这些题“These are extremely challenging. I think that in the near term basically the only way to solve them, short of having a real domain expert in the area, is by a combination of a semi-expert like a graduate student in a related field, maybe paired with some combination of a modern AI and lots of other algebra packages...”
这是personal perspective。我认为从0到百分之25意味着oai找到了解决涉及复杂concept和lemma的reasoning data 稀缺的bottleneck,无论是从inference端还是training端。既然解决了这个bottleneck,那剩下来的工作就是scale up。更好的gpu和更多的时间就能做到。
"It is hiring people to write fresh software code or solve math problems for Orion to learn from. The workers, some of whom are software engineers and mathematicians, also share explanations for their work with Orion."