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美国东北大学机械、化工系 (流体方向) Dr. Xiaoyu Tang 课题组诚招全奖博士...

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学校名称: neu
专业: ME
入学年度: 2025
入学学期: Fall
导师个人主页: http://tanglab.sites.northeastern.edu


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本帖最后由 degennes 于 2025-1-7 02:03 编辑

Prof. Xiaoyu Tang’s group in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University has postdoc and fully funded Ph.D. positions in Fluid Mechanics and Soft Matter.  Research in the group focuses experimentally on multiphase flow, microfluidics, and active colloidal systems with broad applications in energy, environment, and healthcare. Selected postdoc candidate is expected to start immediately, and selected PhD candidates are expected to start in Spring 2025/Fall 2025. Visiting students/scholars are always welcome.

For the postdoc position: Individuals with PhD degree from all science and engineering majors, especially Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, are encouraged to apply. Self-motivated candidates with experimental background especially microfluidics are particularly welcome. Selected candidate will develop their own project while mentoring student projects pending completion. Fruitful publication is expected.

For the PhD position: Students with Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from all science and engineering majors, especially Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, are encouraged to apply. Self-motivated candidates with a strong foundation are particularly welcome. Research experience in either experiment or simulation and publications are preferred but not required.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Tang (x.tang@northeastern.edu) with anticipated start date, transcripts (for the PhD position), and CV detailing academic and/or research achievements. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Applicants with good fits will be contacted for an interview.

About Prof. Tang
Prof. Tang obtained her Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University and Bachelor’s degree in Thermal Engineering from Tsinghua University. She did postdoctoral research in the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of California, Santa Barbara. More information about the group can be found at tanglab.sites.northeastern.edu.

About NEU
Northeastern University is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. According to the 2022 edition of US News and World Reportrankings, Northeastern University is #33 in Best Engineering School, #49 in National Universities, and #1 in Best Co-op/Internships. World-class research conducted in the university has attracted $230.9M external funding in 2021-2022.Being close to top research institutions including Harvard, MIT, Broad Institute, and Harvard-affiliated Medical Institutions brings ample opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and intellectual enlightenment. The campus is in a pleasant location in the heart of downtown Boston, near restaurants, walking distance to Fenway Park, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

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