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比利时KU Leuven有意招收2025年CSC奖学金项目博士学生

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学校名称: kuleuven
专业: Chem/CEng
入学年度: 2025
入学学期: Spring
导师个人主页: https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00055249


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比利时KU Leuven化学系Stijn Van Cleuvenbergen教授有意招收2025年CSC奖学金项目博士学生。Van Cleuvenbergen教授主要科研方向为非线性光学探测技术和晶体生长及控制,欢迎有意想走CSC个人合作渠道且具有物理、化学以及材料相关背景的同学将简历发送至: stijn.vancleuvenbergen@kuleuven.be
Our research group focuses on the synthesis, analysis, and application of advanced materials. Our work spans across two main areas: chiral metal halide perovskites and nucleation in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), particularly zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs). We are currently looking for PhD candidates who are interested in contributing to these fields. Based on our initial discussions and your background and interests, you will have the opportunity to choose the project that best aligns with your research goals.
Some options are:
•        Chiral Metal Halide Perovskites: This project involves synthesizing chiral metal halide perovskites to improve their optoelectronic properties and exploring the induction of ferroelectricity in these materials. The focus is on optimizing crystal structure and film deposition processes, as well as studying chirality transfer. Techniques include single crystal synthesis, circular dichroism spectra, SHG measurements, and X-ray diffraction analyses.
•        Nucleation in MOFs: The goal here is to understand and control the nucleation process in ZIFs to tailor materials for specific applications. This involves using nonlinear optical light scattering techniques to study nucleation mechanisms and exploring ways to influence these processes, such as solvent composition adjustments or the addition of modulators.
•        Encapsulation of Perovskite Nanocrystals: The synthesis of polymers has opened new avenues in various fields, including nanomaterials and bio-medical research. Our project focuses on using designed polymer matrices as a medium to encapsulate perovskite nanocrystals, providing stability against environmental factors and enhancing the crystallization process for better device performance. This innovative approach also explores the patterning of perovskite nucleation inside the matrix, aiming to improve optoelectronic device efficiency.

Candidates should have a background in chemistry, materials science, physics, or a related field. Your specific project will be determined through discussions about your experience and interests. Our primary focus is on gaining a fundamental understanding of materials, emphasizing the intricacies of their crystallization processes and the emergence of unique properties. This approach is geared towards the rational design of materials, where a deep foundational knowledge guides the development of innovative solutions. If you're ready to contribute to cutting-edge research in materials science, we encourage you to apply. Further details on how to join our team will be provided during our intake conversations.
KU Leuven is a top university, renowned for its innovation and excellence, consistently ranked number 1 as the most innovative university in the EU and 61st in the QS World University Rankings. For more info:  https://chem.kuleuven.be/en/research/mip#opennewwindow

上一篇:加入SUNY Korea:软件安全与编程语言领域的前沿研究机会


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