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2025(1-3月) 码农类General 本科 全职@stackline - 网上海投 - 在线笔试  | 😐 Neutral 😐 AverageOther | 在职跳槽


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  • You are given an array of positive integers numbers, and a number range represented by an array Range consisting of two positive integers ( nRange [0] <= nRange [1] ). Return the lowest value in numbers which explictly falls between the number range (excluding the endpoints) - i.e., Range [0] < numbers [i] < nRange [11. If there is no such value, return o. Note: You are not expected to provide the most optimal solution, but a solution with time complexity not worse than (numbers. length') will fit within the execution time limit.
  • Imagine you're visiting a theme park that offers a special shuttle service to transport guests around the park. The shuttle operates on a specific timetable listed as an array of strings shuttle_times, representing different times throughout the day when the shuttle arrives at your current location. You also have a string current_time representing what the time is right now. Your task is to determine how long you need to wait until the next shuttle arrives. If no more shuttles will arrive today, the function should return "-1" TINGS Time is denoted in a string format of нн: M (using a 24-hour clock). Shuttle arrival times are organized in chronological order. Note that a shuttle departs exactly when it arrives; if a shuttle was scheduled earlier than the current_time, it has already left. Note: You are not expected to provide the most optimal s
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    [i] can have one of the following two forms: RY ES [0, i, x]. In this case, you need to assign a [i] the value of *
( a [i] = x ). [1, x] . In this case, you need to find the total number of pairs of
indices i and j such that a[il + b[jl = x . Perform the given queries in order and return an array containing the results of the queries of the type [1, x]


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AllRightThen + 2 很有用的信息!
清道神君 + 10 欢迎分享你知道的情况,会给更多大米奖励!


上一篇:TikTok OA面经(2025.01.18-01.22)
下一篇:Amazon Fungible OA 后秒拒
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