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本帖最后由 duanmupeiyi 于 2009-5-29 22:54 编辑
.. . From 1point 3acres bbs
本科转学:.google и
我觉得转过去直接读大三的可能性比较小。国内的课程能转的也很少是exact courses they are requiring。此外,Nursing在美国也好是热门的专业,大家都知道RN就业好,不是说你修完了prerequisites就保证能进的。
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Suggested First- and Second-Year College Courses: See below, under Admission Requirements.
Admission Requirements
. Χ
Admission to the nursing major occurs once a year, for autumn quarter, with an application deadline of January 15. Selection is competitive.
1. To be considered for admission, applicants must satisfy one of the following requirements at time of application.
1. Three out of the total prerequisite science courses completed with a minimum GPA in these three courses of 3.00
2. Four out of the total prerequisite science courses with a minimum GPA in these four courses of 2.80.
. From 1point 3acres bbs
The science prerequisite courses are CHEM 120, CHEM 220, CHEM 221 (three-quarter chemistry series for UW students, two quarter sequence - one general chemistry and one organic - for non-UW applicants); BIOL 118/BIOL 119; B STR 301; MICROM 301 (-- MICROM 302 for UW students. Non-UW applicants - must take a separate microbiology lab if lab is not included in the general microbiology course.); NUTR 300..--
2. Together with the application and college transcript(s), applicants submit a personal statement; a resume outlining volunteer/paid health-care experience, community service, and cultural awareness; and a recommendation from a health care provider (employer or volunteer coordinator).. Waral dи,
3. Applicants are expected to have 100 hours of health care experience in a paid or volunteer position in one setting for three months or more. The majority of applicants present health care experiences of several hundred hours for nine months or more.
4. After an initial review of all applications, some applicants are asked to attend a proctored essay session. The proctored essay dates are published in the admissions publication. Eligible applicants are invited via email.
. ----
Entrance Requirements: Prior to beginning the nursing program in the autumn, students must meet the following requirements:
1. A minimum of 90 credits to include the following courses:
1. Written communication (10 credits): English composition and W-courses.
2. Problem-solving (8 credits): one QSR course, chosen from MATH 107, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 120, MATH 124, MATH 134, MATH 144, PHIL 115, PHIL 120, PHIL 470, or Q SCI 291. One statistics course, such as STAT 220, STAT 311, Q SCI 381, QMETH 201, or EDPSY 490.
3. Visual, Literary, & Performing Arts (VLPA) (15 credits).
4. Individuals & Societies (I&S) (15 credits): to include NURS 201 or equivalent.. ----
5. Natural World (NW) (26-33 credits): to include CHEM 120, CHEM 220, CHEM 221 (three quarter chemistry series for UW students; two-quarter sequence - one general chemistry and one organic - for non-UW applicants); BIOL 118, BIOL 119; B STR 301; MICROM 301 plus (- - MICROM 302 for UW students. Non-UW applicants - must take a separate microbiology lab if lab not included in general microbiology course.); NUTR 300.
6. Electives to complete 90 credits.
2. A minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA is required, and a minimum grade of 2.0 for each prerequisite course. Because admission is competitive, the GPA for admission is usually significantly higher.
3. Non-citizen students must be exempted from all ESL requirements at UW in order to start the program. It is highly recommended that applicants take the English Diagnostic exam at the time of application..--
For additional information on admission criteria, specific prerequisites, and deadlines, as well as application forms, contact the Office of Academic Services, School of Nursing, (206) 543-8736 or 1-800-759-NURS. Monthly information sessions are offered in the School of Nursing, Health Sciences Building T310, on the first - Thursday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. as well as evening sessions from 5:30 to 6:30p.m. on the first Thursday of January, May, September, and November.
具体admission的要求看你们中意的学校了. 1point3acres.com
OR http://www.mitbbs.cn/bbsdoc/Nurse.html
. 1point 3acres
btw, 这篇帖子你两个版都有发,既然这里有回复了,我把杂七杂八版的那篇删了哈~ |