面试前跟recruiter聊,recruiter说希望尽快面完,因为算上楼主一共4个人面,其中一个人是内部转组。于是作为转码弱鸡的我猛看了一波SD 有关的书就匆匆面试了。面完之后感觉SD面的一般,两轮coding和BQ面的感觉还不错。然后每周都会跟recruiter发邮件问进度。已经问了三周了。
面完第一周recruiter回复:“A final decision has not been made yet.”. 1point3acres
第二周回复:“2 more candidates considering right now, their interview would finish up tomorrow.” (当时感觉是我不是top interviewee,有一个人面的比我好,在跟这个人聊offer)
第三周(这周三)回复: “the hiring manager has introduced another internal candidate to the process. They will be completing their interview process by the end of next week. The hiring manager will make their final decision once that candidate has completed their interview process.”
请教各位大佬,这种不拒绝也不给offer是不是就是被养鱼了?可以move on了?