文书在申请材料的占比为15%-25%(问过某名校负责招生审核材料的人)。文书的作用更多是锦上添花,而非雪中送炭。在顶尖项目的申请中,申请者的综合素质普遍相近,因此,文书成为筛选申请者的机关键因素。而在普通项目的申请中,文书则为三围不高或者经历相对普通的同学提供了一个展现自身特质的机会。. check 1point3acres for more.
这段简单介绍,为什么对某领域感兴趣,以及为什么想读某硕士项目。理工科硕士的文书开头,只需快速吸引注意力并和点名主旨,无需长篇叙述(招生官读着就烦)。我基于自己申CMU MSCV的文书,给出以下简单的例子。 (Interest) Computer vision algorithms have incredible abilities to understand complex patterns and to make insightful, data-driven decisions. I am pursuing a Master's in computer vision because I am fascinated by that ability, .. (Goal) and I am confident that such an M.S. training will equip me with cutting-edge computer vision skills essential to solve real-world challenges, such as XXX.
第二段:Academic & Extracurricular Activities. From 1point 3acres bbs
这段强调下自己课堂学习和课外活动中的闪光点。个人建议从general到specific,先列举几个点,再总结从这些经历中学到了什么,从而为后面的段落做铺垫。基于自身经历,给一个简单的例子: (General) My education at Wenzhou-Kean university has provided me with a solid foundation for advanced studies in computer vision. (Example1) As an undergraduate, I earned straight A’s in my math, statistics, and computer science courses. . 1point 3acres (Example2) Besides, I co-organized XXX conferences, served as a reviewer for XXX, was awarded XXX, and gave an invited talk about image processing at XXX. (Impact) These experiences greatly deepened my interest in the real-world applications of computer vision.
第三段:Research Experiences. 1point 3acres
这段讲述在校的科研经历。整段的逻辑,可以参考学术论文的摘要,但应避免过多专业术语,以清晰易懂为佳。我建议从大背景(比如实际应用)出发,引出具体问题并分析原因,接着阐述自己的解决方案,最后概括科研成果(如速度或精度提升,论文期刊发表等)。以下是一个例子。 (Transition) I aspired to go beyond coursework and identify more real-world concerns computer vision could address. (Background) In real-world photography, for example, I found it is challenging to XXX. (Problem) Inspired by that observation, I conducted a literature review on XXX and noticed that XXX. . Χ (Cause) Through extensive experimental comparisons, I discovered that this issue results from XXX, which is contrary to the common belief that XXX. (Solution) To tackle this issue, I designed a novel architecture to XXX. . .и(Result) Compared with baseline methods, the proposed model achieved XXX improvement on speed/accuracy. I will present this paper at XXX conference as the first author.. Waral dи,
.1point3acres 第四段:Professional Experiences
这段讲实习或工作经历。与科研经历相同,重点在于建立逻辑链条,和简练陈述语言。与科研经历不同,此处需突出学术知识在业界的应用,以及自己对业界问题的深入思考,而不仅仅是模型高精度和高速度。此外,实习和工作经历要与前面的学术科研经历相呼应。最后,一定要强调自己从业界学到的技能或收获的感想。来看下面的例子。 (Transition) To further my professional experience in real-world computer vision applications, I joined the industry and became a XXX at XXX company. This professional experience taught me a great deal about XXX and XXX. .google и (Skill-1: with follow-up example) Foremost, real-world data are much more complex than "clean" benchmarks. .-- (Background) For example, traffic light images vary widely in XXX and XXX, and are captured under diverse XXX and different XXX. (Problem) Manual data acquisition and labeling from miscellaneous categories are laborious and tedious. . 1point3acres.com (Solution) Thinking outside the box, I utilized XXX to address XXX. My approach effectively solved XXX, and it improved the detection accuracy for XXX by XXX, successfully passing all real-road tests across XXX locations. . check 1point3acres for more. (Skill-2: without follow-up examples) At XXX company, I also learned to write readable, efficient code, articulate my thoughts clearly, and communicate with others using concrete statistical evidence. (Impact) Such professional skills are invaluable for my graduate studies and future work in the industry.
. From 1point 3acres bbs 第五段:Optional
. 1point3acres
接下来我来讲如何正确地写Future Goals。我们通常先写短期计划,比如获得硕士学位。接着是中期计划,比如进入某个领域的公司工作。最后是长期计划,通常是当企业高管或自主创业。来看下面的例子。 (Short-term) In the near future, I plan to complete a master's degree in computer vision. During my graduate studies, I plan to investigate XXX that XXX. I am particularly interested in applying XXX. (Mid-term) After graduation, I intend to work at a XXX company as a XXX engineer to advance my professional experience and further strengthen my problem-solving skills. (Long-term) In the long run, I aspire to found my own company in XXX, aiming to solve XXX and contribute to XXX.
Why School一般包括课程,科研,毕业设计,和就业服务。 课程:在项目主页搜索"curriculum"查找硕士期间可选课程,根据兴趣爱好选1-2门课程,并具体说明这些课程对你的作用。 科研:项目主页搜"faculty"进入教授页面,依据"research interest"或者"research area"筛选出3-5位感兴趣的教授,然后到Google Scholar查找他们的代表作(一般是引用量前10的论文),如果研究方向相近,就可以在文书里提及合作的意愿。 毕业设计:项目主页搜索"capstone", 并强调该capstone对自己未来学习和职业发展的帮助。 就业服务:谷歌搜索"XXX university career fairs",找到合作企业。如果这些企业的业务方向和我们的求职方向相似,也可写入文书中。
来看例子。 (Claim) I believe XXX university's XXX program is the ideal fit for me. (Coursework) Foremost, XXX university's XXX program has a rigorous curriculum for XXX. I intend to take courses like XXX to strengthen my skills in tackling XXX challenges. (Research) Besides, XXX university's XXX program offers promising research opportunities supervised by world-class faculty. I desire to work with Prof. XXX on XXX. I also aim to collaborate with Prof. XXX on XXX. (Capstone) Furthermore, XXX university's XXX program offers excellent capstone projects. This capstone will give me the platform to XXX. (Career Services) Finally, XXX university's XXX program offers exceptional career fairs with companies like XXX. Such relationships are invaluable for my entrance into the XXX industry.
第八段:Conclusion. 1point 3acres
这段务求简洁明了。基本原则(1)重申自己是优秀的申请者(2)强调通过该项目的学习,自己能解决什么难题,并为社会做出什么贡献(3)呼应开头的研究领域。以下是一个简单的例子。. Waral dи,
I am confident that I am the ideal candidate for your program. I look forward to contributing my motivation, innovation, and determination to your vibrant academic community, advancing the XXX industry, and creating positive technological impacts on society.