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东北大学 Northeastern / ECE / Mahdi Imani 课题组全奖PhD [ML/Decision Theory/LLM]

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导师简介: Dr. Mahdi Imani 2019年毕业于Texas A&M ECE。His research is supported by NSF, ARO, NIH, United States Military Academy, ONR, and DARPA.
方向:ML, Decision Theory, LLM

有多个位置,欢迎同学们联系。选Dr. Imani准没错。

------- 以下是教授原文 -------

I am looking for multiple self-motivated Ph.D. students to join my research group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.

The available positions are in the areas of Machine Learning, Decision Theory, and Large Language Models. Candidates should have a background in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related fields.

If you are interested, please email a copy of your CV, Transcripts, and English test score to m.imani@northeastern.edu. Please use "Ph.D. Application Fall 2025" as the subject of your email.

See here for more information: https://imani.lab.northeastern.edu/

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