USCIS filing fees for small employers with 25 or fewer employees: $460 + $300 (the $300 is asylum program fee, a new fee for all I-129 petitions). If the company has more than 25 employees the filing fees will be $780 + $600.
USCIS premium processing fee (optional) - $2,805. Processing time is 3-6 months on average for regular processing, and 15 business days (approximately 3 weeks) for premium processing.
update: 整理好资料重新递交了一次,跟Emma确认过缴费总额没有错。12/4寄出(注:重新递交同一个case,需要把第一次拒信放在首页),USCIS receipt date 12/11。12/26公司收到notice letter with receipt number. 目前来看DIY的H1B延期,顺利被接收了。期待最终结果,持续更新。