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Dr. Ying Chen from the Department of Information Technology at Kennesaw State University invites applications for the Ph.D. program in Computer Science. To learn more about Dr. Chen and her work, please visit her homepage: https://facultyweb.kennesaw.edu/ychen62. The application deadline is Feb 1, 2025. GRE is NOT required for this position. However, applicants must fulfill the university's English proficiency requirements, which are a minimum score of 80 on the TOEFL or 6.5 on the IELTS.
Please send your CV and transcript to ychen62@kennesaw.edu if you are interested. Please use the subject line: Prospective Student: [YourName].
Intersection of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) systems and machine learning.
学生期望:- Highly motivated to conduct research.
- Good programming skills.
- Background in any of the following disciplines: CS, EE, Automation, Stats, Math, Physics, or other relevant areas.
- Prior research experience with AR and VR is NOT required.
Kennesaw State University作为卡内基分类中的R2级研究型大学,学校非常重视科研。Marietta校区临近亚特兰大(20分钟车程),治安良好,位置优越,交通便利。这为学生提供了丰富的实习和就业机会,尤其是在科技行业,周围有许多大型企业和创新科技公司。亚特兰大的生活成本远低于美国的其他科技重镇如加州和纽约。亚特兰大作为全美第九大城市,具备大城市的各种便利设施和丰富多样的文化娱乐活动。从博物馆到音乐会,再到各种节庆活动,使得你在学术生活之余,个人生活丰富多彩。如果你喜欢亚洲美食,从Marietta校区出发,驱车半小时即可达到中国城,周边拥有多家大型的中国超市和韩国超市,让你在异国他乡也能尽享家乡味。 |