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岗位: senior business analyst
Timeline:. 1point3acres.com
· 24.11.27 hr phone call
· 24.12.11 mini case. Χ
· 25.1.16 power day. .и
o Phone call的时候hr就告知说c1会在12月中旬到1月中旬pause招聘一个月,所以这是sba岗25年最早能面试的时间
HR Phone Call:
· 和地里说的一样。进行自我介绍,讲述一个用处理big data的经历,还有别的啥我给忘了。但是地里的面经足够了。
Mini case:
· 地里见过的一个cloud storage的case。
. 1point 3 acres· 但是我之前在地里见过一次这个case。我知道c1有题库,所以面试前把地里见到的所有mini case都收集起来了,还自作聪明的按时间排了序,着重练习了24年的case。结果被打脸了,这个cloud storage的case是我在地里见到有人20年或者21年分享的,虽然我收集了但是因为时间不够完全没看。。。但是幸好还是有惊无险的通过了minicase。面试结束一个小时就收到hr说pass了。
· 关于case我的经验是练习&准备business structure而不是刷题。我本来的策略是刷题的,做了7个case后找了一个学姐mock,结果被狠狠打击了,说如果90分是通过面试的话,我的水平只有60分。。。当时还有3天就面试了,中间我还有一个别的公司的面试需要准备,可想而知我是崩溃的。于是我就根据学姐说的改变策略,专注于构建框架。Case第一道题一般都是问需要考虑什么factor,我的框架如下。这个框架肯定不是最好的,但却是我在有限的时间内想出来的能涵盖比较多的方面。经过mini case和power day的检验,我觉得这个框架基本上能解决70%-80%的关于strategy之类的问题. .и
· Market
o Current market trend
o future growth potential. Χ
o Other factors impact market: macro economy, technology advancement, regulations
o Determine target customers: preference, demand, persona
· Competitor
o # competitors in the market -> determine how much market share we can get
o What’s our competitive advantage to distinguish us from others
· Internal Assessment
o Technology
§ Do we have access to the cutting-edge technology that needed?
§ Potential for scalability and innovation. 1point3acres
o Operation
§ Who are our suppliers?
§ Workforce: do we need to hire or train employees?
· Financial Feasibility
o Funding requirement.google и
§ How much initial investment is need? Infrastructure, R&D
. From 1point 3acres bbso How to generate profit?
§ Revenue. 1point 3 acres
§ Cost
· FC: infrastructure, equipment, salaries
· VC: maintenance and operation, utilities, marketing
-> what’s our current cash flow look like, how much profit we can earn, how many years it will take to achieve BE
· External Factors
o Gov regulation: law, license, requirement we need to follow
o Social and environment impact
· 美东开始9am的powerday对我这个美西晚睡晚起的人实在是面试的第一大挑战,好在第一轮是product case,把我背过的都说出来就可以了,可以唤醒一下大脑。问题也都是之前地里看到有人分享过的,digital product: why you like it, customers, competitors, improvements, metrics etc. 这里问我了6种improve digital product的方法,就没有再单独问我10 ways to improve water bottle这种问题了。 ..
· Behavior questions也是地里分享过的:the project you most proud of, help others, and failure.
· 这里想着重分享一下我的第一个business case。这个在地里没见过:
o 背景:一个极其类似costco的wholesale(具体名字忘记了,以下由costco代替),需要customer用membership买东西。这个商场有food court,food court食品价格远低于market price,其中hot dog & soda的combo非常受欢迎。会员和非会员都是可以在food court消费的。
o Q1: 根据以下信息,算costco每年少赚多少钱?
Cost product combo/each |
$1.5 |
Price/each | . check 1point3acres for more.
$1.5 |
Market price/each |
$5.0 |
Annual unit sale at Costco | . check 1point3acres for more.
2,000,000 |
Predict annual sale (如果costco把价格提高到市场价) |
750,000 | . Χ
(5 – 1.5)* 75,000 = 2,625,000
o Q2: 多给了一些条件, 问如果为了弥补卖combo中少赚的钱(实现break even),一共需要多少customers?
Cost product combo/each |
$1.5 |
Price/each |
$1.5 | . ----
Market price/each |
$5.0 |
Annual unit sale at Costco |
2,000,000 |
Predict annual sale (如果costco把价格提高到市场价) |
750,000 |
Avg total basket sale amount for membership (除了这个combo之外,会员平均消费金额) |
$120 |
Avg total basket sale amount for non-membership (除了这个combo之外,非会员平均消费金额) | -baidu 1point3acres
$20 |
Combo sale 中membership消费的比例 |
80% |
Profit margin您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 使用VIP即刻解锁阅读权限或查看其他获取积分的方式 游客,您好! 本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 188 才可浏览 您当前积分为 0。 VIP即刻解锁阅读权限 或 查看其他获取积分的方式 ssion) + $100 * 200,000 * 8% (overhead) = 2,392,000
Profit = 4.8M - 2,392,000 = 2,408,000
18M/2.4M = 7.5 years
. Waral dи,
o Q4: 问7.5Y makes sense吗?-baidu 1point3acres
o Q5: 现在eyewear overhead cost变了。Low prescription eyewear cost = $90, high prescription = $140. Price不变还是$300. 问现在需要多少customers purchase low prescription or high prescription 才能保持profit不变?
Set number of customers who purchase low prescription eyewear as x, customers who purchases high prescription as (1-x)
$90 * x + $140 *(1-x) = $100
x = 80%
o Q6: 问如果这个percentage变了(increase or decrease)会对profit有什么影响?. Waral dи,
o Q7: 现在想宣传我们这个eyewear品牌,除了traditional advertising (在杂志,报纸,电视上打广告),还有什么别的方式?
这里面试官提示可以说开physical store可以算一种方式。我第一条说的是在streaming platform打广告,然后面试官就提醒说能买得起我们high-end eyewear的人会看到广告吗lol?我就立马改口说他们肯定会买会员跳过广告。然后我就说1)在luxury shopping mall开店 2)partner with 高端e-commerce platform like SSENSE, Neiman Marcus 3)partner with high-end credit card
o Q8: estimate eyewear market size. 问了clarification,确定是美国市场,然后只考虑有度数的眼镜,不考虑太阳镜之类的。
US total customer = 300M
估计有一半戴眼镜:300M * ½ = 150M. Χ
估计有三分之一买得起我们的高端眼镜:150M * 1/3 = 50M
估计三年换一副眼镜:50M * 1/3 = 16.7M
. Χ
之后hr打电话说下午有一轮加试,不是business case,是30min和vp聊。我以为是behavior questions,其实一上来就发口头offer了,这个meeting就是看看我对c1有什么问题要问的。 |
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