两个45分钟phone interview,我这比较拖沓结果是两个1小时。
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三哥,口语给跪,一直问what, 一直repeat他的问题。coding了两道,第一个很傻瓜的reverse a doubly linked-list,但是感觉他要各种bugfree,包括typo都要给我找出来,最后顺利完成。第二题是他直接贴出来的,我黏贴在下面
Given a text file, perform a pre-processing step to create a DS; so later when queried for a word, the lookup is very fast. Also mentioned that the characterSet only contains 36 characters (26 alphabets and 10 numbers).
The DS should answer questions like:
a) Is a given word present in the file?
b) What is the location of the first occurrence of the word in the file?
c) How many times did the word occur in the file?
N - nubmer of words
n - average characters in each word. 1point 3acres
Give the time and space complexity
. 1point3acres