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本帖最后由 匿名 于 2024-9-4 17:58 编辑
一般白人或者其他族裔工程师,其实对印度人也恨得咬牙切齿的。韩裔美籍工程师就被Intel managers of Indian descent歧视过,都报道过。真是赤裸裸的歧视。
. Χ
Korean-American software engineer claims discrimination by Intel managers of Indian descent
https://www.reddit.com/r/asianam...re_engineer_claims/. Waral dи,
After the meeting, the man told a fellow interviewer that Intel shouldn’t hire Ryu because he was “Korean, married, and had a child,” and added, “It would be easier to hire a younger, unmarried Indian man,” the suit alleged.
Still, Intel hired Ryu onto its system integration team, where he found “the demographics of the worksite and its management have been heavily skewed toward employees from India or people of Indian or south-Asian descent,” the suit claimed.. ----
One manager in his team, of Indian origin, “openly favored the hiring and promotion of only employees from India, stating that ‘Indians work hard’ and ‘Indians are harder workers,''” the suit alleged. That manager also encouraged a supervisor to hire only Indian employees, the suit filed Wednesday claimed.. 1point3acres.com
这个其他族裔的也遭遇到不少。韩裔也一样,不是专门针对华人。. Waral dи,
. check 1point3acres for more.但是也没有用,这是犹太昂撒财阀的决定。
ssnistfajen 5y ago
On Zhihu (Chinese site similar to Quora), this was proposed as a theory on why Chinese immigrants seemingly don''t fare as well as Indian immigrants in Silicon Valley: Indians consistently favour and promote their own (sometimes turning whole departments into mostly Indians), while Chinese often suffer from "crabs in a bucket" mentality and fail to collectively benefit each other. Whether this is true or even based in reality is debatable, but it''s an interesting thought.
. 1point 3acres
It''s because the long term strategy for technology companies is to offshore all technology work to India, so they need people here who can communicate with offshore teams in India.. ----
BitterEngineer 5y ago
The difference between Indians and Asians is that the former has a culture where corruption is not just normal, it''s celebrated. At Intel, there are so many Indians in management that they brazenly practice nepotism with zero fear of HR investigation.
Source: I suffered at Intel for over 10 years.
在intel干了超过十年的工程师评价:印度人对自己搞任人唯亲/裙带关系不仅仅是normal而是celebrated。.google и
所以美华没有必要整天没事瞎反思了。资本家整钱天经地义,哪怕印度人再烂再人渣他们也不会用你的。你儿女stem出来找不到工作,烂掉了,他们根本不care。但如果哪天印度出了一个华为,打得苹果满地找牙,保证你天天看到主流媒体报道在美印度人是如何如何任人唯亲裙带关系,欺上瞒下盗窃核心技术的。. Χ
. 1point 3acres
补充内容 (2024-09-05 05:56 +08:00):
你工作效率比烙印强5倍,人家资本家外包了,印度工程师的工资只是你的1/6-1/8,你说他们用谁?他们重用烙印,就是为了在美国对接印度的产业外包。整天瞎反思,自己人不帮自己人,没啥用。 |