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Trump vows to use US military for mass deportations
use US military : 使用美国军队,指动用军事力量来完成某项任务或政策。. Χ
The government plans to use US military resources for disaster relief. - 政府计划利用美国军队的资源进行灾后救援。mass deportations : 大规模驱逐,指大量移民被强制送回其原籍国的行为。
The policy led to mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. - 该政策导致大量无证移民被驱逐出境。其他用法
use military : 动用军队,不仅限于国内事务,也可用于国际冲突。
The president decided to use military force to address the crisis. - 总统决定动用军队来应对危机。mass immigration : 大规模移民,指大量人口从一个国家或地区迁移到另一个国家或地区。
This town has seen mass immigration in recent years. - 近年来,这个小镇经历了大量移民。
原文链接:Trump vows to use US military for mass deportations contend with enormous logistical challenges.
处理重大的后勤挑战。词与短语 .1point3acres
contend with : 与...作斗争,处理,面对
We have to contend with many obstacles in our project. - 我们在项目中必须面对许多障碍。enormous logistical challenges : 巨大的后勤挑战
The event will face enormous logistical challenges in terms of transportation. - 该活动在交通方面将面临巨大的后勤挑战。其他用法
contend for : 竞争,争夺
Several teams will contend for the championship this season. - 本赛季将有多支球队争夺冠军。logistical planning : 后勤规划
Effective logistical planning is crucial for successful event management. - 有效的后勤规划对于成功的活动管理至关重要。. 1point 3 acres
原文链接:Trump vows to use US military for mass deportations to put the final touches on the plan
to put the final touches on : 这个短语意味着进行最后的修饰或调整,通常用来描述在某个项目即将完成时的最后工作。. 1point 3acres
The artist put the final touches on the painting. - 这句话表示艺术家在画作上进行了最后的修饰,意味着画作几乎完成了。其他用法
to put the final touches on a project : 这个用法指的是在项目即将完成时,进行最后的修改和完善。
She is putting the final touches on her thesis before submission. - 这句话的意思是她正在对她的论文进行最后的调整,以便提交。to put the final touches on a presentation : 这个用法指的是在演示文稿即将进行时,进行最后的修改和完善。. From 1point 3acres bbs
He is putting the final touches on his presentation for the meeting. - 这句话表示他正在为会议的演示文稿做最后的调整。
原文链接:Trump vows to use US military for mass deportations
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