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[面试] Cornell orie 面经 攒人品

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. 1point 3acres
  • 1. Personal Background & Self-Reflection
  • Tell me about your ideal role two years from now. What do you envision yourself doing and how do you think Cornell's program will help      you prepare for it?(必考)
  • What is the best advice you’ve received?
  • What advice would you give to yourself when you were first in      college?
  • What are the things you’ve recently learned?
  • What is your biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?
  • What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside of academia?
  • Tell me about a failure you faced and what you learned.
  • If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your      first-year self?
  • When faced with risk, how do you handle it?
  • What is the most important characteristic of leadership?      (Include an example of a leader you admire)
  • What would you advise a new student in college?
  • Describe a teamwork experience you are proud of.
  • A time you successfully helped a team reach consensus.
  • Accomplishments you're proud of outside of academics.
  • 2. Career and Job Search
  • Your biggest concern in the job search process.
  • A book that greatly influenced your career goal.
  • How did COVID-19 affect your career and job      outlook?
  • How can you improve your resume right now?
  • What is your biggest concern regarding job searching?
  • Your ideal job and how AI can benefit that      career.
  • 3. Teamwork & Leadership
  • Describe a proud teamwork experience.
  • How do you help a team reach consensus?
  • What motivates you in your studies or work?
  • What are the most important characteristics of leadership?      (Include an example of a leader you admire)
  • When working in a team, how do you contribute to the      team's success?
  • 4. Networking & Professional Relationships
  • What do you think is the most effective method for      making new professional connections?
  • A networking platform you use and a successful      experience.
  • How do you establish good professional relationships?
  • How would you approach networking in the future?
  • 5. Machine Learning & Data Science
  • Misuse of machine learning.
  • Explain machine learning to a      10-year-old.
  • Interesting data science/programming project you've      worked on.
  • Describe a dataset you worked with: what did you do, and      how did you process it?
  • How do you use data to tell a story, and who is the audience      for your story?
  • 6. Industry Trends & AI
  • How AI will impact your field in the next 5      years.
  • What industry interests you and how AI will      benefit it.
  • How AI impacts industries you’re interested in.
  • Discuss how AI will reshape industries in the future.
  • What global challenge would you address as a company?
  • 7. Interesting Experiences & Perspectives
  • An unusual place you have been.
  • An interesting news article you recently read and what      you learned from it.
  • A book that greatly influenced your career.
  • Your favorite sport, player, or coach – if      you could choose to be the player or coach, why?
  • 8. Operations Research
  • Why is operations research important?
  • As a customer, where have you noticed operational      research could help?
  • Can you share an experience where you’ve seen operational      research make a difference?
  • 9. Global Challenges & Crisis
  • Global crisis or challenges      you’ve encountered and how to address them.
  • How have you seen operational research used to address global      challenges?

Haley_Kwok 2024-12-11 17:55:33 | 显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Haley_Kwok 于 2024-12-11 17:57 编辑
.google  и
感谢分享 想了解一下这个项目过往的录取背景是如何的?你申请的是meng还是phd?

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 楼主| Catstrike 2024-12-12 16:34:18 | 显示全部楼层
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Haley_Kwok 发表于 2024-12-11 17:55
感谢分享 想了解一下这个项目过往的录取背景是如何的?你申请的是meng还是phd?


使用道具 举报

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