“we published results showing that the more qubits we use in Willow, the more we reduce errors, and the more quantum the system becomes. We tested ever-larger arrays of physical qubits, scaling up from a grid of 3x3 encoded qubits, to a grid of 5x5, to a grid of 7x7 — and each time, using our latest advances in quantum error correction, we were able to cut the error rate in half. In other words, we achieved an exponential reduction in the error rate”
量子计算最大的问题是任何扰动都会导致算不准,一粒灰尘,一百米外有人放个屁,都可能导致error。所以大家都想办法解决这个问题。以前quantum bit (qubit)越多error自然就越大,现在放个卫星,说是qubit越多error越小,还是成倍的小,牛不牛逼。。。。但是还是有error,还不能当计算器用,但是这个你不要在意。。。。