Growing up in a household of doctors, I heard many stories of patients struggling with scheduling
appointments and paying bills. My compassion for their suffering motivated me to learn more about the
impact of healthcare access disparities on vulnerable communities and sparked my interest in promoting
equal access to healthcare. Hoping to bring healthcare reform as a doctor or a policymaker, I majored in XXX and XXX.
Despite having enthusiasm for both majors, I’ve been exploring a practical solution that can bypass the bottleneck constraint of achieving healthcare accessibility: the unequal distribution of medical resources. A feasible way to do so is to use Computer Science (CS) to achieve the optimization of resource allocation.
As my ultimate goal is to develop innovative software (eg. Medical AI) to address the challenge of healthcare accessibility among vulnerable communities, I want to gain a solid understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering by pursuing a graduate degree in Computer Science.
开门见山地点出我具体如何打算用cs如何实现我的目标 + 我具体喜欢的是哪些领域+ 我想要用研究生学习的时间来打好基础。
Although it was too late to change my major to computer science in my senior year, I sought every opportunity to gain more experience. While it is uncharted territory for me, I did great in all the mathematics prerequisites for CS while completing a minor in statistics. In addition, I aced fundamental programming classes, XXXX. To empower aspiring students to become social innovators within their communities and beyond, I worked as a teaching assistant for a senior-level class XXXX.. 1point 3 acres
解释了为什么我没有直接在undergrad就进入cs行业,同时强调了我发现了对cs的兴趣之后的persistence和有initiative. 这里就可以把各种相关的经验都写上来了!可以作为有initiative的表现~
强调即使是一个陌生的领域,我也能做的很好(暗示我的能力很强,之后也可以做的很好)。 ATTENTION! 不要列举课名,不要列举课名,不要列举课名,重要的事情说三次。挑一个有代表性的课就好(比如说我将来想做的事情和machine learning, AI相关,我就写了一个algorithm相关的课)。也不要列举成绩,招生官有我们的成绩单,不需要重复的~如果一定要说,可以用”I aced.. I did great …I finished with honor..“来代替。我个人觉得最好不要提到绩点是多少除非是满分
. 1point3acres Paragraph 3: 事例1: 1)之前做过什么事情?为什么要做这个事情? 2)这个事情产生了什么样的impact(帮助了什么样的群体,有什么具体的产出,可以举例子)?-baidu 1point3acres ATTENTION! 找我看文书的同学还蛮多的,都有这个问题就是在描述自己的经历时重复简历上的内容。招生官有我们的简历,也有我们的最重要的事情是体现你解决问题的思维,并不是重复你简历上的内容
My enthusiasm for making an impact in my community motivated me to learn CS further. As COVID-19 brought an unprecedented disruption to medical services, I wanted to help reduce the stress in the overloaded medical system by encouraging healthy behavior (eg. mask-wearing) among the University community. Therefore, I decided to develop a web app to visualize how behaviors affect the pandemic via simulation.
解释清楚我做过的跟cs相关的项目的context + 目标 + 具体的行为. ----
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To accurately capture inner-community transmission, I represented each student with vertex and their relationship (eg. friends, colleagues) as edge weight. While designing interactive visualizations, I challenged myself to present this complex model in a user-friendly way. (省略了technical details) Knowing this website’s targets audience was around 50,000 university students, I took into account the different reader demographics for the information design. In this experience, I used a user-centered approach that was adapted from my audience-centered analysis skill as a north star to code and present information effectively.
With the desire to use CS to help marginalized communities, I joined XXX as a software engineer intern. I was responsible for developing a Machine Learning (ML) based chatbot to help improve
caregivers’ mental health.
照旧是context + 目标+行为
下面这部分是重点: My background in both humanities and life science gave me a unique perceptive in understanding the current healthcare landscape and what marginalized communities need from a conversational AI: an empathetic AI that can classify users' emotions and communicate smoothly with users.
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Hence I configured the chatbot to react differently to different emotions. (省略了technical details) In addition, I modified the model to also predict the confidence level of the prediction. (省略了technical details) Through this experience, I further realized the intrinsic value of my interdisciplinary background: I perceived the problem differently from my peers and will be able to provide insights into how computing can help users best.. From 1point 3acres bbs
The application of the chatbot struck me as a game-changer and excites me as it exemplifies how CS can be used to tackle resource allocation issues and create an impact on millions. Thus, I want to gain an in-depth understanding of XXX and provide solutions to the major issues today. XXX program is the perfect opportunity for me to receive formal training in CS and become a pioneer leader in promoting innovative medical technology.
下面这部分是重点 и
My hands-on development experience will let me fit right into the project-based learning environment in various classes and learned on a deeper level. For example, XXX (目标学校的某具体课程)will allow me to learn the underlying logic of commonly-used ML algorithms and apply them to medical AI systems. Moreover, I will thrive in XXX classes with my unique perspective, product development experience, and eagerness to innovate by engaging in prototype testing with real users and industry experts. Further, my entrepreneurial pursuits can be best supported by the vibrant startup culture in XXX (eg. 目标学校与创业相关的项目). -baidu 1point3acres
在why school的部分直接说出了关于我的什么特质/经历能让我更加合适这个环境。很多同学的误区在于只说了学校有多好,没有说出自己和学校的fit。此处通过举各种细节的例子同时表现出自己对学校很了解,尝试给学校一种进去就会如鱼得水的印象~可以同时通过上课+科研方面进行探讨,比如说你的哪些skill和学校的哪些lab非常契合!. check 1point3acres for more.
Paragraph 6: -baidu 1point3acres
2)我能够对我所在城市的community做出什么样的贡献? . From 1point 3acres bbs
After graduation, I plan to work for leading tech companies that promote accessible healthcare services for vulnerable communities. As 1 in 4 XX city residents are people with disabilities and suffer from chronic conditions, I plan to eventually set up my own startup that promotes affordable & accessible digital healthcare services. The unique location of XXX, home to millions of tech companies and healthcare professionals will provide me with the best ground to test and promote healthcare reform.
不只是强调你学校里的community做出的贡献,还要强调你对所在城市的community可以做出什么贡献。我这里是结合了我想要帮助的群体选择了people with disabilities,大家可以多做research了解一下学校所在城市的社会问题是怎么样的,你自身的知识/skills可以怎么帮忙解决这些问题. check 1point3acres for more.