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学校名称: 德州大学达拉斯分校
专业: CS
入学年度: 2025
入学学期: Fall
导师个人主页: https://www.jessekim.com


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About MI lab:
The Multimodal Interaction Lab (https://mi-lab.io) at the University of Texas at Dallas is looking for motivated Ph.D. students who are interested in VR/AR and HCI for designing next-generation interactive user interfaces. Our lab is committed to contributing to the fundamental science of sense of touch and haptics and how it can benefit the user experience in immersive environments. We actively publish our research in various top-tier journals and conferences in VR, HCI, and haptics, including CHI, UIST, IEEE VR, ISMAR, VRST, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, and IEEE Haptics Symposium/World Haptics. Our research spans a variety of topics such as thermal and tactile feedback systems, user interaction techniques, and the integration of haptic devices into immersive environments. Please visit our website (https://mi-lab.io) for more information and recent publications.

About UT Dallas and Computer Science:
The University of Texas at Dallas is a leading research institution in Richardson, Texas. As a hub for innovation, UT Dallas offers a dynamic and collaborative academic environment for students and faculty. Situated in the heart of a high-technology corridor, home to thousands of tech companies, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department is expanding its programs in artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, cybersecurity, HCI, autonomous transportation, intelligent traffic systems, data sciences, interactive computing, and more. The department supports research with state-of-the-art facilities and is home to around 100 faculty and 2,600 students. More details can be found at https://cs.utdallas.edu.

Research Areas in MI Lab:
The MI lab (https://mi-lab.io) at UT Dallas is looking for new Ph.D. students who bring a diverse set of skills and motivations in the field of HCI, VR/AR, and haptics. Research areas include:
  • Human-Computer Interaction: UI/UX, interaction techniques, text entry, gesture-based interfaces, mobile and wearable technology.
  • Tactile and Haptic Interaction: Haptic interfaces, mid-air haptics, thermal feedback, multimodal interaction.
  • Virtual Reality: Metaverse applications, 3D user interfaces, interactive computing environments.

Desired Skillsets:
While not all are required, the following skills are preferred for prospective Ph.D. students:
  • Software Development: Experience with programming languages such as C++, Python, or Java, particularly for VR/AR applications, interaction techniques, and real-time simulation.
  • Unity and VR Programming: Familiarity with Unity for developing interactive 3D environments and VR experiences, including integrating haptic feedback and motion tracking systems.
  • Hardware Prototyping: Some experience with prototyping haptic devices, wearable technologies, or embedded systems using tools such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or 3D printing.
  • Multisensory Systems: Understanding of technologies related to mid-air haptics, tactile displays, or motion capture.
  • Data Analysis and Statistics: Basic knowledge of statistics, including tools like MATLAB or Python for analyzing user interaction data, and familiarity with statistical methods such as ANOVA for experimental analysis.
  • Research and Publishing: A background in conducting independent research and contributing to academic publications is a plus, but not required.

Application Process:
If you are interested in joining our group, please email your CV and transcript to Prof. Jin Ryong Kim at Jin.Kim@utdallas.edu by November 1, 2024. All Ph.D. students will receive full support, including a monthly stipend, tuition coverage, medical insurance, and funding for conference travel.

About Professor Jin Ryong Kim:
Prof. Jin Ryong Kim (www.jessekim.com) is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas, directing the Multimodal Interaction Lab. His research focuses on interactive technologies, particularly in haptics, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction. Prof. Kim serves as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Virtual Reality and is a committee member for CHI, UIST, and Haptics Symposium. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and M.S. in Computer Science, both from Purdue University.

上一篇:新泽西理工学院 计算机专业 ML/AI/生物信息方向 PhD Positions (2025 Spring/Fall)


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