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北德克萨斯大学(University of North Texas)工程学院计算机科学与工程系助理教授舒童博士(https://tongshu83.github.io)将招收2025年秋季入学的计算机科学与工程专业全奖博士研究生2名。舒童教授本科毕业于北京大学,博士毕业于新泽西理工大学,在世界顶尖的阿贡国家实验室(简称ANL)网格计算之父Ian Foster教授的研究团队中从事三年博士后研究。其研究方向覆盖高性能计算、量子计算、并行分布式系统和系统性能模型化。舒童教授在国际会议(比如SC、PPoPP、INFOCOM等顶级会议)和国际期刊(比如IEEE Transactions on Communications等顶级期刊)发表近30篇论文,并独立指导学生发表高质量论文(比如IPDPS、Cluster),且获得美国⾃然科学基⾦(NSF)研究资助。
大学简介:北德克萨斯大学(简称UNT)是一所美国国家级公立大学,被评为美国最高研究活动的博士型大学(简称R1类大学)之一。它在美新周刊(U.S. News)2024年发布的全球大学排名和美国计算机科学专业排名中分别居世界第698位和美国第132位,在CSRankings统计的计算机科学顶会论文排名以及测量与性能分析顶会论文排名里分别列美国第90位和第59位。UNT位于登顿市(Denton),其校园面积3.84平方千米,距离美国第九大城市达拉斯中心(Dallas,https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/42331057)开车45分钟,生活便捷。其计算机科学与工程系拥有十多位正教授、十多位副教授、十多位助理教授、十多位讲师,百余名博士生、千余名硕士生和千余名本科生。其工程学院配有许多最先进的设施,比如千万美元支持的敏捷自适应增材制造中心等。UNT的环境道德及哲学专业居世界第一,爵士乐教育排名全美第一,可视艺术学院全美最大,医学图书馆员专业全美第二,物流和供应链管理专业是全美顶级,信息工程全美第九,公共事业管理硕士全美第十,城市管理与政策研究全美第12位,教育学院的咨询教育课程排全美第16名。而且,UNT毗邻University of Texas at Dallas、Baylor University、和University of Texas at Arlington等大学,有利于学术合作及配偶求学。
UNT CSE Recruitment Advertisement for Prospective Ph.D. Students
Dr. Tong Shu ( https://tongshu83.github.io ), an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of North Texas (UNT), will provide graduate assistantship for 2 Ph.D. students who start in Fall 2025. Dr. Tong Shu received her B.S. degree from Peking University and her Ph.D. degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology, and worked as a postdoc funded by the father of grid computing, Dr. Ian Foster, at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for three years. Her research interests include high-performance computing, quantum computing, parallel and distributed systems, and system performance modeling. She published around 30 papers, such as top conference papers at SC, PPoPP, INFOCOM, and top journals at IEEE Transactions on Communications, and her student has published high-quality conference papers, such as Cluster. Also, she obtained research funds from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Introduction to the University: The University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton is a national public university in the United States, and classified as an R1 institution, i.e., a doctoral university with very high research activity, by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. In 2024, the UNT is globally ranked No. 698 and its Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department is nationally ranked No. 132 by U.S. News. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at UNT is ranked No. 90 in terms of computer top conference papers and No. 59 in terms of measurement and performance analysis top conference papers by CSRankings. The UNT Denton campus has an area of 3.84 kilometers and is only 45 minute-driving away from downtown Dallas, the ninth largest city in the U.S.. The UNT CSE has more than sixty faculty members, more than one thousand undergraduate students, around two thousand master's students, and around one hundred PhD students. UNT College of Engineering is equipped with many modern devices, such as the Center for Agile and Adaptive Additive Manufacturing supported by $10,000,000. Furthermore, UNT is close to the University of Texas at Dallas, Baylor University, and the University of Texas at Arlington, which benefits research collaboration and spouse study.
Expectation to Prospective Students: Students are self-motivated and handy in system research and have a good mathematics background, logical thinking, and perseverance.
Student Development: Offer (covering tuition and life expenses) and equipment (such as a workstation in the lab and access to GPU servers and large-scale clusters) will be provided for recruited PhD students. Since Dr. Shu maintains her long-term collaboration with ANL, her PhD students will have internship opportunities to work together with senior scientists at national labs.
How to Apply: Please email the resume, all transcripts, TOEFL/IELTS and GRE score reports, and expertise (such as project experience and papers if applicable) to tong.shu@unt.edu . |