- 拨打了primary provider的电话描述了情形; 对方原话说: we don't deal with coronavirus, we can test you for flu. if you need a test you need to call hospital emergency room, 就给了医院的电话。
- 拨打了医院电话,对方原话说: call santa clara county public health and ask for medical advice . .и
- 拨打了santa clara county public health, 对方说: we cannot issue a test to you, you need a doctor to order the test. call your primary care provider. 于是我解释了step 1的情况,对方坚持说必须要doctor order。.1point3acres
- 又打给了primary care: 对方把我put on hold了,5分钟之后说: we cannot order a test for you. you need to go to the the hospital.
- 又打给医院: 对方说you need to be evaluated by your primary care doctor。.. 死缠烂打之下,这次终于给我接通了er的电话。 ..
- er: 再次描述症状。对方说: 根据你的symptom并不能warranty coronavirus test, you need to be evaluated. 我问他说直接去er就行吗,是否他们需要evacuate急诊室的其他病人,对方说这个我不需要操心,出现在er就行了。
- ..... 整了1个上午我觉得我现在又没事了,依然没发烧,吃了一顿饭,心里难受啊。。。