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本科+(fresh grad 无实习或全职)
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在这家公司工作了多久: 1-2years | 你还在这家公司吗: Current Employee, plan to quit in the next year
==== 综合评价: ★☆☆☆☆ ==== 你对公司商业前景有信心吗: Yes
你觉得有清晰的发展空间吗: No
WLB-平均每周工作多久: 40-50hours
上次refresh多少钱: $100-250k
公司食堂: No free food, paid options ok
人员流动-你的director组内最近半年有多少人离职: 10-20%
周围做决定的人一般是谁: PM
大部分同事上班状态: Hardworking, burn the midnight oil if necessary
你身边政治斗争如何: Severe political battles
当初为什么选择来这家公司?: Interned in the summer and got a return offer. Team was not bad at that time. Was lazy to look for better offers and wanted to be in New York.
具体工作,组,tech stack等: Java, Spring MVC, learning JavaScript and React for front-end work
最满意的是什么:Work can be laid back sometimes compared to other tech companies. Office building is nice and gym was really nice even though it costs $50/month but it is subsidized if you go 50 times in 6 months.
最不满意的是什么: Legacy code so the code base is kind of a mess and takes time to clean up entirely. A lot of code were written by contractors and they don't work here anymore so hard to understand sometimes since the code is not that good. Some people can be super passive aggressive in emails. Most people are ok nice. A lot of pressure from the upper level to go back to office during covid.
你对这份工作最看重什么:Compensation and benefits. Not too bad but still a traditional firm so not as good as tech companies.