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威廉玛丽学院被称作美国母校,是美国建校第二早的大学(仅次于哈弗大学)。威廉玛丽学院被列为美国公立常青藤大学之一。根据US News 2022排名,威廉玛丽学院在公立大学中排名第10 。在所有大学中,与佐治亚理工gatech和UT Austin共享排名第38. 威廉玛丽学院位于弗吉尼亚州,临近美国首都华盛顿特区,气候温和。由于Amazon第二总部设置在弗吉尼亚州,威廉玛丽计算机系收到州政府的大力支持。全系的规模在近些年间迅速增长。
威廉玛丽计算机系是一个以研究为主的院系,目前招收多名博士生。所有录取博士均有奖学金支持。在Ph.D. 前两年,所有学生都有TA机会,不需要导师funding支持,可以自由选择导师。计算机系目前没有Ph.D. qualify exam,前两年GPA达标即可。计算机系在计算机体系架构,高性能计算,深度学习,软件工程,网络安全领域都有很好的成就。 根据CSRanking,威廉玛丽目前排名第36.
Fully funded Ph.D. positions are available in Dr. Yifan Sun’s lab (https://syifan.github.io), in the Department of Computer Science at the College of William and Mary. The main research direction will be Computer Architecture, GPU Architecture Design, and Performance evaluation and modeling. There is also an opportunity to design visualization tools for performance and architecture analysis.
Dr. Sun had his Ph.D. at Northeastern University, MS at University at Buffalo, and BS at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Sun has been the lead developer of the state-of-the-art GPU simulator MGPUSim. Students joining Dr. Sun’s group are expected to evaluate the performance of real GPUs and model the performance of GPUs in MGPUSim to identify performance bottlenecks. Students will then have an opportunity to develop solutions to improve GPU performance, especially for machine learning applications. Moreover, students will also learn web-based visualization solutions to help users understand complex hardware execution patterns.
• A bachelor degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering
• Experience in at least one major programming language. Capabilities and willingness to learn new programming languages.
• Enthusiasm for doing research.
Application Process:
Please send your CV and transcript to ysun25@wm.edu.
补充内容 (2021-10-06 09:49 +8:00):
William & Mary Computer Science 在CSRanking上排名72. 我所在的Computer Architecture方向排名第36.
补充内容 (2023-07-31 21:22 +08:00):
补充内容 (2024-03-17 21:08 +08:00):
2024年再来补充一下。由于最近有一个NSF的grant拿到了比较好的Feedback,所以2025Spring和2025Fall,我的组里还打算招收2名全奖PhD。我的组对计算机体系架构并没有很高的要求,都可以来了再学。主要的标准是需要一定程度的编程基础。后续的两个岗位中,将至少有一个PhD需要网页前端编程经验和做数据可视化研究的意向。 |