We are seeking highly motivated and dedicated individuals to join our team in the College of Computing and Data Science at NTU, Singapore. The selected candidates will have an opportunity to contribute to a research project in the emerging area of AI4CFD.
This is an interdisciplinary area that combines computer science, fluid dynamics, and physics-informed machine learning to develop advanced digital twin models to empower digital transformation of the next-gen AI data canters.
Conduct high-quality research under the guidance of the supervisor. 在导师的指导下开展高质量的研究工作,攻克学术和技术难题;
Contribute to the system development of research project. 为研究项目的系统开发做出贡献,推动实际应用落地。
Participate in the preparation and presentation of research findings in conferences and workshops.参与研究成果的准备,并在国际会议及研讨会上展示;
Collaborate with other team members and partners from top universities worldwide.与团队及世界顶尖大学的学术伙伴密切合作,共同探索创新领域;
Write and contribute to the publication of research papers in high-impact journals/conference. 撰写并发表高影响力期刊/会议的研究论文。
A Bachelor/Master's degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics or related fields.计算机科学、数据科学、应用物理、应用数学或相关领域的本科/硕士学位;
Strong interest in numerical methods, artificial intelligence and industrial problems.对数值方法、人工智能和工业问题有浓厚的兴趣,渴望解决实际问题;
Good command of English, both written and spoken.优秀的英语书写与口语能力,能够自信沟通和表达研究成果;
Able to work independently and as part of a team.具备独立工作能力,愿与志同道合者共同奋斗。
The selected candidates will be offered a full-time scholarship. You will also have opportunities to collaborate with world top universities, e.g., MIT, etc. This is a rare chance to build a strong network and gain exposure to the international academic community.
Interested candidates can send their CVs, along with a cover letter expressing your interest and qualifications for the position, to YGWEN@ntu.edu.sg.
近年来,他领头研究的数据中心认知数字孪生(Cognitive Digital Twin for Data Centre)成果斐然,荣获2015年数据中心动力学-亚太地区奖(数据中心行业的“奥斯卡奖”)、2016年东盟信息通信技术(ICT)金奖、2020年IEEE TCCPS工业技术卓越奖、2021年W.Media亚太云和数据中心技术领袖奖以及2022年新加坡计算机协会数字杰出科技领袖奖。其研究旨在帮助数据运营商推进数字化转型,以实现关键业务运营和管理的数字化,从而在保持业务弹性的前提下提升环境可持续性。