Subject: Inquiry from a prospective graduate student for Fall 2020
Dear Prof. XXX,
I am XXX, a second-year graduate from Columbia University, with a current GPA 3.96/4.0 and an undergraduate GPA 3.73/4.0. I am writing to pursue a PhD program under your guidance in Autonomous Vehicle and Control.
I have research experience in the control of an autonomous vehicle. I hope you can take a quick look at my technical report in attachment on how to do the lateral and longitudinal control on an autonomous vehicle following the time-minimum speed profile by using MPC and PID controller. It started before the summer vacation, in the University of Wisconsin, Madison under the instruction of Prof. XXX.
I read your publication, ArticleName, and I find the NameOfaMethod described in the article is instructive and can be used in my current project, but I have two specific questions about its content that I'd like to ask you. I know you are busy, so I appreciate any time you can give me.
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It will be my great honor to receive your considerate replies.
. Χ
Best regards,
M.S. in Electrical Engineering
The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
老师回复并拒绝:no opening, no funding, not a good fit, don't know whether I have position, blabla... 此时礼貌回复谢谢即可;
老师回复说由委员会决定:Sorry. Faculty don't admit students at UIUC. It's different than, maybe, Columbia. You have to get admitted by our committee first. 礼貌回复谢谢,looking forward to meeting you in the future.
模板化回复: I would encourage you to apply,这种显然是最唬人的,乍一看老师仿佛对你很感兴趣,但其实只是套模板,这也是为什么我最开始不放CV和成绩单的原因,如果老师要CV后才发这句话,那对你感兴趣的可能性起码高了一些;
老师回复积极:Your background and research interests seem to be a good fit to the projects I am working on. It might be better to discuss the potential opportunities over a skype meeting. 这种回复显然极好,同学们可以准备面试了,但回复的同时可以考虑向老师咨询一些自己感兴趣的东西,比如实验室的project,或者要老师推荐看看什么书或文章,以显示自己对这个 lab 真的很感兴趣。而如果老师没有提到面试,同学们依旧可以尝试自己提出来 "I am always available if you want to have a small talk"
其实,针对套磁是否必要一直存在争论,我记得在UCSD的 Dr. Guo 写的帖子中,他认为套磁是没有必要的,学生申请后自然会知道自己有没有被录取。但我认为,套磁不仅仅是去给老师发邮件,更是一个了解学校,了解老师的过程,只有通过类似陶瓷这样的资料查找和准备,学生才能基本了解一个实验室的方向,并决定是否应该申请。因此这个查老师的过程是无论如何都必须要有的,查完后发个邮件,也不会耽误很多时间嘛。-baidu 1point3acres
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在10月份的时候,我们应该开始另一个重头戏:statement of purpose(SOP)以及部分学校要求的 personal statement (PS)
SOP 的目的是说明申请者的兴趣方向、展示科研背景、表现批判性思维、想跟哪些教授读PhD,以及未来的职业规划。其中最重要的显然是申请者是否有丰富的科研背景和强大的批判性思维,这里建议同学们看一下前辈的帖子:美国PhD申请总结:申请11所学校录取9所背后的经验谈,里面给出了数个SOP的例子,以及作者对SOP的看法和建议,或者可以参考 Dr. Guo 的网站:Statement of Purpose Examples. 我只分享我认为需要注意的几个小点:
Why do you want to be a PhD? Like doing research. Want to be a professor;
Your research interest? Control and Robotics (Autonomous Vehicle);
Why their university? Research interest matches. Have great equipment. Alumni found great jobs;
What's your career goal? Be a faculty member in a university.
为什么本科毕业后先申请了硕士,而不是直接申请PhD?提供一个思路,本科毕业后没有想好自己具体喜欢哪个方向,因此打算多做一些 research 来确定自己以后的方向。
Are all PhD students fully funded? Would you offer tuition waiver and stipend?
Could you please provide some information about current projects?
Is there going to be any other projects in the next few years?
What project would I be working on if I am admitted?
Is there any requirement on the number of publications to graduate?
Am I going to work with other PhD students or each student only work on his own project?
. check 1point3acres for more.
. 1point3acres