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- 2019-10-3
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- 1970-1-1
White Supremacy
the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.
The United States Census has race and ethnicity as defined by the Office of Management and Budget in 1997.[1] The following median household income data are retrieved from American Community Survey 2018 1-year estimates. In this survey, the nationwide population was 327,167,439 in 2018.[2]
2. 2018年中位数美国各种族收入水平
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... by_household_income
S0201: ACS 1-Year Estimates Selected Population Profiles (2018)
Race and Ethnicity Alone Alone or in Combination with Other Races Ref
Code Population Median household income (US$) Code Population Median household income (US$)
White Americans 002 236,173,020 65,902 003 245,860,228 65,777 [3]
Black or African American 004 41,617,764 41,511 005 46,261,485 41,911 [4]
American Indian and Alaska Native 006 2,801,587 44,772 009 5,710,410 48,370 [5]
Asian Americans 012 18,415,198 87,243 031 22,137,269 85,897 [6]
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 050 626,054 61,911 060 1,468,239 64,865 [7]
Some other race 070 16,253,785 48,983 071 18,146,776 49,805 [8]
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) — — — 400 59,763,631 51,404 [9]
Not Hispanic or Latino — — — 450 267,403,808 64,025 [9]
亚洲人收入水平最高,超出白人20,000。按照你的逻辑, 白人平均收入高所以有特权,然而其他所有种族都没有很多亚洲人生下来就有的特权呀,那Asian Supremacy不是更厉害。
我只想讨论问题,没有故意引起仇恨言论的目的,所有合理的讨论和推理我都接受 |