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[选组选Offer] Amazon选组求指导

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2016(1-3月)-CE硕士+fresh grad 无实习或全职 | 内推| 码农类General全职@amazon


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AWS Fraud
AWS Premium Support
AWS Security
AWS Marketing ..
Retail Softlines
感觉除了AWS security,另外三个AWS的组都是很边缘的支持性工作。。。Retail Softlines看描述还不错,求建议

AWS Fraud
AWS Productivity and Tools Developer Productivity and Tools is a group of teams focused on making Amazon Web Services a positive and productive developer experience. We include services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation, language specific SDKs, Tools, Documentation, and Management consoles that make it easy to get started with AWS, simple to use, and hard to imagine life without. Through our educational content, blogs, and conference activity we help developers be part of the larger AWS community where they can learn, share, and get inspired.

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AWS Premium Support
Amazon has built a reputation for excellence with recent examples of being named #1 in customer service, #1 most trusted, and #2 most innovative. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is carrying on that tradition while leading the world in Cloud technologies. As a member of the AWS Support team you will be at the forefront of this transformational technology assisting a global list of companies that are taking advantage of a growing set of services and features to run their mission-critical applications. You will work with leading companies in this space and directly with the engineering teams within Amazon developing these new capabilities.

AWS Security
The AWS Security team is responsible for the security and availability of all of the services offered by AWS, including Gov Cloud, EC2, S3, and others. Our team works with the service teams to solve security challenges at massive scale, and builds tools to automate the auditing and operation of AWS infrastructure. We are looking for super-smart software and systems professionals to join us and help us continue to raise the security bar for cloud computing. You should be somebody who enjoys working on complex system software, is customer-centric, and feels strongly not only about building good software but about making that software achieve its goals in operational reality.

AWS Marketing
"Amazon’s Marketing Platform sends billions of emails every year to our customers all over the world. These include promotional mass-mail offer, and highly personalized recommendations. We pride ourselves on honoring our customers and they miss these messages when they are absent. The Email Marketing Platform team manages all systems related to the generation, prioritization, and delivery of these messages to Amazon’s customers. These systems include:

    Amazon’s core automated email system, responsible for prioritizing billions of messages a day and scheduling and sending thousands of email campaigns a day.
    Amazon’s email marketing and customer segmentation tools used by hundreds of business and technical uses across the company.
    Amazon’s outbound email infrastructure.

The Marketing Platform team is an agile, fast-moving team looking to expand the world’s best customer marketing platform, and to do so, we are looking for truly exceptional software engineers. We deal with hard problems, so we are looking for developers with a penchant to push the envelope. Our engineers enjoy the prospect of individual growth and advancement within a great company. If you like solving hard problems, wearing multiple hats, and you like working with people who do the same, we invite you to apply."

Retail Softlines
At Amazon, business and technology aren’t separate – our people who run the retail business have a deep appreciation of how technology can be leveraged in making our ability to serve customers better. Our technologists are just as excited about how the systems they build impact the retail business as they are about their specialization. Whether it is about improving database performance, horizontal partitioning and scaling, distributed computing, workflow systems or machine learning algorithms, their common interests are also about building the next technology solution to improve our business.

上一篇:求问Apple 家的 new grad 都是怎么投的
下一篇:Offer选择求指点: LlinkedIn vs Microsoft
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